
Skiff’s Island Is Here Today But Gone Tomorrow

Skiff’s Island is back. The elusive island that sometimes resides southeast of the Vineyard may be making a comeback this winter.

The island is legendary. A number of ships have been lost to the treacherous waters of the Island or its shoals. While recreational anglers sometimes have caught their biggest fish next to it, there are other fishermen who are fearful of it, especially at night.

On Circuit Avenue and All About the Town

Editor’s Note: The following column by Louise Aldrich Bugbee was first published in the Vineyard Gazette, and later appeared in a collection of Mrs. Bugbee’s essays and poems titled There Is an Island That Owns Me.

February — 1967

Oak Bluffs again and it certainly is fine to be back on the avenue — Circuit avenue.

Venus, Jupiter and Moon

The sky tomorrow morning will be an impressive, memorable sight for anyone up early. The two brightest planets in our sky, Jupiter and Venus, appear within a degree of each other in the southeastern sky before sunrise. To the right, a crescent waning moon appears nearby. The three are in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius.


Fligors Celebrate Golden Anniversary With Family

Fifty years ago, on Feb. 6, 1958, Carol Lisa Chirgwin and Richard Thomas Fligor were married in Naples, Fla., at Trinity-By-The-Cove Episcopal Church. Their honeymoon was the drive back to Bowling Green State University in Ohio where Dick was beginning his last semester of college.

Boys’ Hockey Team Secures State Playoff Berth

Even though the high school boys’ hockey team punched their ticket into the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association tournament this week with an impressive shutout win over Bourne on Saturday, coach Matt Mincone still feels his team has yet to play its best hockey this season.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

Jan. 25 35 18 .00

Jan. 26 32 19 .00

Jan. 27 36 23 .00

Jan. 28 36 25 .48*

Jan. 29 38 26 .00

Jan. 30 47 37 Trace

Jan. 31 48 26 .04

* indicates melted precipitation.

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 40º F.



A story in the Gazette last week reported incorrectly on the tax increase percentage in West Tisbury. Resident homeowner tax bills in 2008 will increase 2.7 per cent over 2007. The Gazette regrets the error.

Third Quarter Revaluation Delays Tax Bills in Edgartown

Third Quarter Revaluation

Delays Tax Bills in Edgartown

Tax bills in Edgartown for the third quarter of the 2008 fiscal year have been delayed.

In a release, the Edgartown tax collector and board of assessors said the fiscal year 2008 revaluation is taking longer than anticipated, causing the delay. Once the revaluation is finished and Massachusetts Department of Revenue certification has been received, the town can set the tax rate and issue tax bills.

Primary Colors

Primary Colors

On Tuesday voters in Dukes County will go to the polls to cast ballots in the race for the Presidential nomination which has so electrified the nation.

In recent decades primaries have become humdrum, predictable affairs and more often than not voters may not have bothered to cast ballots, believing — perhaps correctly — that none of it mattered.

But not this year.

Come Back to Work

In recent years, the faces of foreign workers on H2B visas have become a familiar part of the Vineyard’s seasonal employment mix. Indeed, their names are known and remembered by people who frequent particular restaurants or come back to certain inns.

That is no coincidence. Vineyard employers who have tapped into the program for a source of reliable seasonal workers often bring back the same individuals year after year.
