Wrapped and Ready, Edgartown Leads Weekend of Merrymaking

Downtown Edgartown began looking a bit like Christmas weeks ago when wreathlike green loops appeared on the white picket fences at Hob Knob Inn and Tomassian & Tomassian law offices. Soon after, Santa began standing sentry in faux Doc Martens by Edgartown Hardware and evergreen spriggery sprouted in Soigne’s windows.

Ted Stanley

View of Charter Study, Then and Now

The time for action is now. So said Ted Stanley of the Dukes County charter study commission last week.

“Everyone is caught up with the process,” he said of his fellow commission members. “People are getting impatient with the process and we need to start thinking out of the box here.”

County Commission Starts Over Again, Launching Fresh Search for a Manager

After a process that has gone through fits and starts since September, the Dukes County Commission decided this week to readvertise for a new county manager.

At a meeting on Wednesday night the county commission could not reach a majority vote on any of the three final candidates for the job.

Oak Bluffs Voters Will Consider Proposals to Revive Waterfront

Oak Bluffs voters on Tuesday will decide whether to commit the town to an ambitious plan to radically overhaul the town waterfront and whether to adopt a new policy of paying all town employees based on a uniform pay scale.

Voters will consider 17 warrant articles at the special town meeting at 7 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs School. Moderator David Richardson will preside over the session.

Receive Degrees

Receive Degrees

Kristen M. Merullo of Oak Bluffs and Lukas B. Bradley of West Tisbury graduated this past May from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.



The caption beneath a photograph that appeared on the front page in last Friday’s Gazette misidentified the person pictured. The minnesinger in the photograph is Allison Roberts. The Gazette regrets the error.


A story published in last Friday’s Gazette about a historic house on North Water street in Edgartown reported incorrectly on the attendance of homeowner Martha Gendell at historic district commission meetings. Mrs. Gendell did not attend the meetings, but was represented by her attorney. The Gazette regrets the error.

House Available

House Available

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank is accepting bids for the removal of a house on Jeffers Lane on Chappaquiddick. A bid package is available at the land bank office at 167 Main street, Edgartown, or by calling 508-627-7141. Bids must be received in the land bank by 3 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17.

Teen Drinking Party Leads to Charge

Oak Bluffs police last Friday broke up a party on Grovedale Road attended by more than a dozen underage guests and charged the host with illegally providing alcohol to minors.

Matthew P. Lyons, 24, was charged with selling or delivering liquor to a person under the age of 21. He was arraigned in Edgartown District Court on Monday and released on $100 bail.

Vineyard Hunters Take Fewer Deer This Season

As the two-week shotgun season for deer came to a close, officials reported that it has been a quiet year, with the number of deer taken down by almost half from last year.

A total of 118 deer were checked in at the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest through the first week, compared to 208 last year. At the Wampanoag tribe station in Aquinnah, 104 deer were checked in through the first week, compared to 181 through the same period last year.
