Shellfish Markets Report Slow Sales

Shellfish Markets Report Slow Sales

By James Kinsella
Gazette Senior Writer

The sale of local shellfish has sometimes slowed but hasn't
stopped on Martha's Vineyard, which has become an Island of
harvestable shellfish in a sea of toxic red tide.

Louis Larsen, owner of the Net Result in Vineyard Haven, which
wholesales much of the Vineyard shellfish to local restaurants,
estimates that overall Island demand for shellfish is off 50-60 per cent
from normal mid-June levels.

Bakery Owner Retains Name

Bakery Owner Retains Name

Judge Rules in Humphreys Case, Handing a Victory to Mr. Diaz on
Rights to Name, Recipes; Civil Trial Still Possible


Humphreys owner Joseph (Michael) Diaz may continue to use the
bakery's name and recipes at his down-Island locations, a superior
court judge ruled on Friday.

Red Radishes, Green Bok Choy Fill First-of-Season Farm Basket

Red Radishes, Green Bok Choy Fill First-of-Season Farm Basket


The West Tisbury Farmers' Market opened Saturday morning under
a gray sky. And while the number of vendors is down this year, shoppers
making a trip to the Grange Hall grounds still came away with the best
of the Vineyard's farms and fields, along with homemade jams,
baked goods, fruits and herbs.

Chilmark Approves First Housing Project

An overflow crowd of Chilmark voters turned out last night to
approve the first-ever town-sponsored affordable housing development for
this rural community whose property values rank among the highest in the

Island's Own Albert Clements Captures Victory at Speedway

Island's Own Albert Clements Captures Victory at Speedway


You have to look hard to catch the blur of white and black zooming
around the oval-shaped, quarter-mile stretch of asphalt at close to 90
miles per hour.

Twelve Steps: Vineyard House Plans Expansion at New Campus

If recent health data is accurate, suggesting that the rate of problem or binge drinking on the Vineyard significantly exceeds the nationwide averages, then it should come as no surprise that Vineyard House is bursting at the seams.

Island Escapes Toxic Red Tide

The bloom of toxic red tide that closed shellfish beds from Maine to Nantucket spared the Vineyard this week, fading off the eastern shore of Chappaquiddick into Nantucket Sound.

Shellfish samples taken on Monday in Oak Bluffs, Menemsha and Edgartown came back clean in two separate rounds of testing, so no ponds were closed on the Vineyard, despite vague reports in the mainland print press of closures in Edgartown.

The conch fishery in Nantucket Sound has been closed.

Red Sox Nation Alert: World Series Trophy Pays Visit

Red Sox Nation Alert: World Series Trophy Pays Visit

Island Red Sox fans, your appointment with destiny has arrived.

As they continue in their push to bring the World Series trophy to
every town in Massachusetts, Red Sox representatives are hitting the
Vineyard today, making time for photo opportunities with fans across the

Middle Line Project Ready for Decision at Special Meeting

After three public hearings, four design plans and five months of
intense debate, Chilmark voters next week will have their say in
deciding the future of the Middle Line Road project.

George Mathiesen Dies at Age 84

George Mathiesen Dies at Age 84

Vintner and Farmer Led Commission in Early Days

George H. Mathiesen, a well-known Vineyard figure who with his wife
Catherine founded Chicama Vineyards in West Tisbury, the first bonded
winery in the commonwealth and the first successful winery on the
Atlantic coast, died Monday at the age of 84.
