Vote in Aquinnah Thursday Attempts to Pass Override, and Restore Items to Town Budget

Vote in Aquinnah Thursday Attempts to Pass Override, and Restore
Items to Town Budget


Voters in Aquinnah go to the polls this week to conclude the annual
town meeting which began two months ago - and to say yes or no to
a $130,000 general override to Proposition 2 1/2.

If the override is approved, town employees will get a cost of
living raise and funding will remain in place for the town's share
of the Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group. Funding for a
town-sponsored summer day camp for children also hangs in the balance.

Night at the Cliffs: Homestead Is Ready to Shine for Aquinnah

The ghosts are quiet these days - if you believe in such things - but at the Vanderhoop homestead the screen door still bangs and the old wood sash windows rattle with the specter of a new future.

Purchased last year by the town of Aquinnah and the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank in a joint acquisition, the historic homestead is now set for its first fund-raising event.

The event will kick off a $300,000 restoration project aimed at converting the homestead to a museum and cultural center.

Tisbury Proposal: New Access to State Road

Tisbury Proposal: New Access to State Road


As part of its work on a master plan for Tisbury, the town planning
board is now circulating an ambitious proposal aimed at transforming
upper State Road from a commercial corridor into a traditional
neighborhood with a mix of residential and business development.

Pennywise Path Vote Next Week

Pennywise Path Vote Next Week

Informally, Commissioners Seem Inclined to Okay Housing Plan, but
Voice Doubts on Access; Other Issues Linger

Gazette Senior Writer

Early road signs now point to possible approval for the Pennywise
Path affordable housing project in Edgartown, but members of a key
Martha's Vineyard Commission subcommittee said this week that
access and impact on the neighborhood are stubborn trouble spots in the

Citizenry of Oak Bluffs Raises Chorus of Protest Over Disputed Building

Citizenry of Oak Bluffs Raises Chorus of Protest Over Disputed


An indignant crowd of more than 70 people piled into last
night's hearing of the Oak Bluffs zoning board of appeals and
clamored for town leaders to tear down the three-story building in
Joseph Moujabber's backyard.

Zoning board members were just as thorny, repeatedly questioning how
Mr. Moujabber's $22,000 garage replacement could have turned into
something more than 30 feet tall with balconies and sliding glass doors.

Dukes County Board Suggests Full Review of SSA Operations

Dukes County Board Suggests Full Review of SSA Operations


Amid turmoil and turnover at the Steamship Authority, the Dukes
County commissioners this week called on the boat line to steady itself
by hiring a consultant for a full review of its operations.

Superior Court Ruling on Bridge Housing Dismisses Neighbor's Attempt to Appeal

Superior Court Ruling on Bridge Housing Dismisses Neighbor's
Attempt to Appeal


Marking one more win in court for the Martha's Vineyard
Commission, a superior court judge last week threw out a
neighbor's appeal of the Bridge Housing project planned for
Vineyard Haven.

The Hon. Richard J. Chin, an associate justice of the superior
court, ruled that Kenneth and Nicole Bilzerian have no standing, and he
allowed summary judgment for Bridge Housing and the 30-year-old regional
land use commission.

The ruling was issued July 7.

Chief Says Landlord Probe Just Beginning

Chief Says Landlord Probe Just Beginning

Gazette Senior Writer

A well-known electrician is now the subject of a widening police
investigation into whether he broke the law when he allegedly secretly
videotaped a female tenant while she was in the bathroom.

Richard Lehman admitted to Tisbury police on June 27 that he had
installed a camera in the woman's bathroom so he could watch her
taking a shower, police said. The woman rents a home from Mr. Lehman on
Franklin street in Vineyard Haven.

Task Force Team Presents Chilmark Preschool Plan to Bolster Enrollments

Armed with the results of an anonymous survey that praised the Chilmark School for it small class sizes and strong sense of community but was critical of its leadership, communication and staff turnover, the chairman of a fledgling school task force unveiled a report last night, urging regional school board members to take action on more than a dozen areas of concern.
