Costs for Edgartown School Prompt August Town Meeting

Costs for Edgartown School Prompt August Town Meeting


Edgartown voters are invited to a midsummer special town meeting to
tie up some loose financial ends for the Edgartown School construction

Jabberwocky's Celebration, Human Spirit Is Triumphant

At Jabberwocky's Celebration, Human Spirit Is Triumphant


The Tabernacle was filled Saturday night. There were speeches and
music and a printed program, "David Crohan and Friends,
Celebrating 50 Years of Jabberwocky," with pictures and names.

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But simple had nothing to do with it.

Oak Bluffs Police Seize Man, Shotgun

Oak Bluffs Police Seize Man, Shotgun


A 17-year-old New Bedford man spent the holiday weekend in the
Edgartown house of correction after he was found by the Oak Bluffs
police with a stolen, loaded sawed-off shotgun in his backpack and an
open bottle of cognac in his hand.

Justin Barry was arrested and charged with a long list of weapons
and alcohol violations. Arraignment was set for yesterday morning in
Edgartown district court.

The incident took place behind Jim's Package Store in Oak
Bluffs just after 9:30 p.m. on July 4.

A Fourth When Everything Went Perfectly

Everything about this Fourth of July was huge. The parade was
colorful and long, the fireworks overhead were grand and the crowds in
downtown Edgartown were phenomenally large.

Drawbridge Is Up for Repair

Drawbridge Is Up for Repair

Highway Agency Unveils Its Plans for Temporary Bridge Structure
Allowing Time to Replace Lagoon Pond Bridge


State officials yesterday unveiled a plan to build a temporary
drawbridge alongside the aging and troublesome Lagoon Pond drawbridge.

The cost of the temporary bridge is a shocker - $3.8 million.

Jabberwocky Celebrates Jubilee: Fifty Years of Summer Camping

The first time I saw Camp Jabberwocky to know what it was, it looked just like what you will see sometime after five o'clock this afternoon, probably about halfway through the parade - the dark red bus growling and coughing its way around a distant corner in Edgartown; in front of it, leading the way, the lanky kids with long hair and painted faces skipping, dancing, blowing whistles, banging drums and pushing other kids in wheelchairs. It was probably around 1968 or 1969 when the idea of what Jabberwocky first began to register with me.

Its Up-Island Neighbors Urge Aquinnah to Appeal on Judge's Wampanoag Decision

The Aquinnah selectmen heard a distinct plea from their up-Island
neighbors this week to formally appeal the recent superior court
decision that found the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) cannot be
sued because of sovereign immunity.

An Island Couple with a Simple Wish: They'd Like a House to Call a Home

An Island Couple with a Simple Wish: They'd Like a House to
Call a Home


Erin and Gary Simmons Jr. are nearly there.

Chicken Massacre: Did Dog Do It? Court Will Hear DNA Evidence

Chicken Massacre: Did Dog Do It? Court Will Hear DNA Evidence


The DNA results are in, the trial is Wednesday, and if you ask Joan
Jenkinson, she'll tell you she has the mass murderer dead to

But this is no ordinary murder case. The 11 victims are all
chickens. The defendant is a four-year-old dog from West Tisbury named
Serena and Ms. Jenkinson is the town's animal control
officer-turned-forensics expert.

Blinker Light: A Time to Stop

Blinker Light: a Time to Stop

High Accident, Injury Rate Cited as Oak Bluffs Selectmen Vote; Stop
Signs Up in Two Weeks; Rondabout by 2005?


Hit your brakes. A big red stop sign is about to replace the
blinking yellow light at one of the Vineyard's most dangerous
