Citizen Health Care Role Called Critical

Citizen Health Care Role Called Critical


If the Island wants better health care, its citizens must demand it.

This simple but straightforward directive was one of the chief
messages of the second annual public symposium, Changing Our Health
Care: Options for the Vineyard, held Sunday night at the Performing Arts

Striped Bass Commercial Season Ends Early; Fishermen Meet Quota of 802,000 Pounds

Striped bass is one of the Island's favorite seasonal fish.
And its season in fish markets and restaurants is about to close for
another year.

SSA Reorganization Bill Passes Senate; New Bedford, Barnstable Win Seats; Governor Expected to Sign Law Soon

SSA Reorganization Bill Passes Senate; New Bedford, Barnstable Win
Seats; Governor Expected to Sign Law Soon

Gazette Senior Writer

The state Senate followed the lead of powerful New Bedford Sen. Mark
Montigny and turned a deaf ear on Cape and Islands Sen. Robert
O'Leary this week, voting overwhelmingly to approve a hostile bill
to restructure the Steamship Authority.

Possible Dreams Can Come True for All of You

Best ever Possible Dreams moment? That's a tough one.

In 1994, Carly Simon sang a few bars of Anticipation to the crowd.
They went wild, and a dream night of songs with Ms. Simon was auctioned
for $81,000. Twice.

In 1998, a similar situation arose, and Washington Post owner
Katharine Graham agreed to host three separate lunches. Each bidder
(Merv Griffin among them) paid $25,000, and Mrs. Graham made a donation
of her own as well. In minutes, $100,000 was raised.

Moving Houses Recycles Island History

Moving Houses Recycles Island History


As hundreds of Vineyarders pile trucks with clothes, furniture and
children this fall to shuffle to another winter rental, two Edgartown
houses will join the mass migration.

Destined for the dump when the owners decided to build new homes on
the picturesque properties, both a 19th-century Victorian on the corner
of Davis Lane and Pease's Point Way and a 1960s gambrel-roofed
house off Meeting House Way will be relocated to town-owned property for
use as affordable housing.

FARM Institute Seeds the Minds of Youth

Ask most kids where their eggs, beef and milk come from and
they'll tell you the grocery store. Ask the same question of the
young people who have spent a week at Herring Creek Farm and
they'll answer differently: "It comes from a farm."

Final Debate Opens in Senate on Bill to Restructure Boatline

Final Debate Opens in Senate on Bill to Restructure Boatline


State Senate action on a hostile bill to restructure the Steamship
Authority was delayed in eleventh-hour maneuvering by Cape and Islands
Sen. Robert O'Leary yesterday, and with just two days left in
formal session at the state legislature, the bill will be taken up again
by the Senate today.

Volunteers Make Dreams Possible in Bids for Community Services

It's auction season here on the Island. Benefits are by now
part of the summer routine - held, it seems, on a weekly basis
- raising money for causes that range from youth sailing programs
to conservation and affordable housing. But the predecessor of them all
still has yet to make its annual appeal. That will come Monday, August
5, with the 24th annual Possible Dreams Auction, held in the garden of
the Harborside Inn in Edgartown.

Houses on Move Auction Raises $160,000

Houses on Move Auction Raises $160,000

Islanders Press Drive to Ease Affordable Housing Crisis


The scene was Vineyard ironic - hundreds of people gathering
at the agricultural hall to shuffle "houses" for the sake of
ending the Island's dreaded summer shuffle tradition.

On Saturday night, the handiwork of well over 100 Vineyarders who
hammered, painted and molded everything from owl houses to lighthouses,
playhouses to doghouses, brought in more than $160,000 at auction.

Hospital Picks Chief Executive Officer to Secure Future of Medical Complex; Announces Plan to Build New Facility

Hospital Picks Chief Executive Officer to Secure Future of Medical
Complex; Announces Plan to Build New Facility


A new era promising a brighter future in the wake of yearly fiscal
woes has dawned at Martha's Vineyard Hospital, as the
hospital's board of trustees last week approved a new chief
executive officer and a plan for a possible $30 million project to
construct a new hospital facility.
