Stellar Seasonal Changes Ahead

The best evidence of seasonal change isn't only in the weather and occasional drop with the temperature, it is in the night sky. Go outside late and you are under a canopy of autumn. Late Monday night step out and look for the moon. The Last Quarter moon is in the zodiiacal constellation Taurus, the Bull, a constellation we associate with fall and winter. The moon is right next to the large star cluster Pleiades. Now that is a sign of autumn in the air.

Museum Announces New Board Leadership

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum Board has voted David Grain as its new Board Chair and Nancy Robinson Breuer as Vice Chair.

Hello Louie

Emily Thanhauser and Micah Thanhauser, of West Tisbury, announce the birth of a son, Louie Solomon Thanhauser, born on August 18.

Willing to Work Together

The following letter was sent by Brian Arrigo, Massachusetts Commissioner of Conservaton and Recreation, to numerous Island officials.

More Communication Needed

The following letter was sent by Martina Thornton for the Dukes County Commissioners, to Brian Arrigo, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Compost Can-Do

What a shame that Island Grown Initiative’s pilot project of composting is about to end.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: August 23

The Agricultural Fair was deemed a great success except for some rain on Thursday night.

West Tisbury Town Column: August 23

Summer’s last act is both too soon and it’s about time.

Welcome Addison

Kellyn Mercier and Justin Mercier, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Addison Grace Mercier, born on August 14.

Oak Bluffs Town Column: August 23

East Chop Capital was founded in 2018 by Hampton University graduates Calvin Butts, Jr. and Carrington Carter.
