Gazette's New Intertype Replaces Veteran of 15 Years' Service

The Vineyard Gazette installed on Saturday a new Intertype machine—a typesetting machine embodying a great many recent improvements—and this addition to the plant was put into operation for the first time this week. The Intertype replaces the now old fashioned typesetting machine which the Gazette brought to the Island in the early summer of 1920, the first machine of the kind to be Set up on Martha’s Vineyard.

More Than Third of Island Population Is on Relief

A total of 36.8 per cent of the population of Dukes County, calculated on the 1930 census, is being supported by public funds either from the ERA, public welfare or soldiers’ relief, according to figures compiled by the Hyannis Regional ERA office for February.
For Dukes County, the accompanying table shows, the total relief load is 479 cases, supporting 1,820 persons. The number of persons is the total supported by men or women working on the ERA, public welfare, soldiers’ aid, or receiving direct aid as unemployable.

Edgartown Loses Boat

Beginning Sunday, Nov. 11, the Island steamboat schedule will be changed to eliminate the trips to and from Edgartown. The last boat in the evening will put into Vineyard Haven and remain there, leaving at 6:10 in the morning as has been the custom.

Verses Speak the Island Spirit, Prints Its Charm

Islanders are honored by Jonas Lie, celebrated artist and president of the National Academy of Design, who has written the foreword for a new book of Vineyard poems and prints by Sidney N. Riggs and Joseph C. Allen. The foreword, as written by Mr. Lie, is deeply appreciative of the Vineyard scenery, and refers with understanding to the Island’s sturdy home folks, the theme of the artist and the writer of the book as well.

Famous Whaleboat is Presented to the Historical Society

The whaleboat in which Vineyarders out-pulled all others who met them here and elsewhere, has been presented to the Dukes County Historical Society by Captain Isaac Norton of Vineyard Haven, commander of the craft, George Smith of Oak Bluffs, the only surviving member of the crew, and Captain Norton’s nephews, Benjamin, Frank, Orrin and James Norton. The historic craft has been stored in the barn of Cyrus Norton, brother of Captain Isaac, for more than thirty years. It was last used in an historical pageant at Lake Tashmoo.

Edgartown’s Master Shipbuilder

Generations have taken pride in the reputation of the Edgartown shipbuilder, master constructor of barns, barges and binnacle boxes, Manuel Swartz. Known in every civilized country of the globe for the skill with which he constructs caskets, catboats and checkerboards, he might easily have won a place for himself in world history but for the deteriorating effects of modern milk-and-water mildness inspired by unhampered pacifism.

Seagoing President Spends Night Here

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the nation’s first real seagoing chief executive, made port at Edgartown Sunday afternoon in the midst of the nor’west squall, and lay there at anchor until the following morning when he got under way for Nantucket. The visit was entirely impromptu weather conditions making it highly practical that he seek shelter, and the president did not himself land, although invitations to remain overnight ashore were extended to him. But his son James landed and made the acquaintance of the town, exchanging friendly remarks with various persons he met.

Emily Post’s Vineyard

To Vineyarders the most interesting contribution to a recent symposium on favorite vacation spots published by Vogue is that Mrs. Price Post, who tells of her summer home on Fuller street, Edgartown. An atmospheric little sketch accompanies the contribution which is as follows:
Map of Martha's Vineyard, 1933

Guide to the South Road Has Many Landmarks

South Road, the main artery of travel between eastern and western extremities of the Vineyard is at once outstanding in its natural scenery and its historical associations. Beginning, properly, opposite Parsonage Pond in West Tisbury village, it extends through Chilmark and Gay Head to the lighthouse and the country park on the headland in that town, where thousands go each year to view the famous Gay Head cliffs.

Conservation Army, 219 Strong, Is Due

A conservation army, numbering 219 men, will arrive on the Island today to take up the work of reforestation in the state reservation under the federal plan for relieving unemployment. This army is one that has been through the preliminary course of training at Camp Devens, and will be in charge of a captain and two lieutenants of the regular army, besides a detail of military police.
