Falmouth Academy Announces Science Fair Winners

Falmouth Academy 36th annual science fair took place on Feb. 15 with fifty-five prizes, scholarships and honorable mentions awarded to upper and middle-school students.

Snow Moon

Tomorrow night's full moon, the Snow Moon, will rise in the east at about the same time the sun sets in the west. The moon is in the zodiacal constellation Leo, a constellation we associate mostly with spring.This moon is a small moon. The moon will be at apogee or close to it, which means it is farthest from the Earth than most times.

The moon's orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle. Sometimes it is close, closest is perigee. Sometimes it is farthest, apogee. The moon will be in apogee on Sunday.

High School Games to Go Live Online

Home games on the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School field will stream live online in future seasons, thanks to a $10,000 gift from Martha’s Vineyard Community Television.

Rules of the Road Are Rocky on Cape Pogue

Located on the furthest, most immaculate tip of Chappaquiddick, Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge is home to salt marsh, coastal cedars, endangered shorebirds and some of the best recreational fishing the Vineyard has to offer.

Endangered Species Act Turns Fifty Years Old

Now 50 years old, the Federal Endangered Species Act continues to play a key role in the survival of flora and fauna on-Island and across the nation. It has also inspired the creation of state conservation acts.

Time Traveling on a Moment of Awe

In the evening the turkeys put themselves to bed. I take in the sight at the West Tisbury graveyard, my car parked at the side of the sharp curve in the road, the dog Artichoke by my side.

Dreaming of Spring

There must have been something in it, because the robins came back and sang cheerfully.

Time to Say Yes to New Bedford Freight

It may be that after more than 25 years, the idea of some freight service to the Vineyard coming through New Bedford (bypassing Falmouth) could become a reality.

Ringside Seat to a Snowy Walk

I know it is unpopular, but I am a lifetime lover of snow.

Hedge Height

Many of your readers will recall the concern raised over an application first filed in April 2023 to renovate the 1912 house at 81 South Water street, particularly over the feared loss of the open view corridor from South Water street to Edgartown Harbor and Chappy.
