Vineyard Fishing Derby Celebrating 25th Year

Tuesday, and continue through Oct. 15. Striped bass and bluefish are the game fish to be sought, and for which prizes are given. The derby, often called the outstanding one of its kind on the Atlantic Coast, is also the oldest, in terms of continuous operation.
The derby is known from coast to coast, and close to 2,000 entrants from 22 states attended a year ago. The present promise of good fishing is expected to bring a crowd that large or larger.

Vineyard’s Open Land Foundation Becomes Reality

With the recording of an agreement and declaration of trust last week, the Vineyard Open Land Foundation, first proposed in the Gazette of April 17, became a reality.
The agreement and declaration were signed by 12 original trustees: Jerome B. Wiesner, Mary P. Wakeman, Anne P. Hale, Herbert E. Tucker Jr., Robert E. Simon Jr., Edward J. Logue, Hans F. Loeser, William M. Honey, Henry Beetle Hough, Kevin Lynch, James F. Alley and Joseph G. Kraetzer. The eventual board will number not more than 21.

In Vineyarders’ View, It Was Newsman Who Made News

Dukes County’s quaint, picturesque, Georgian-Colonial red brick and white trimmed courthouse was the focus of much of the world’s attention this week, and the adjectives in the first part of this sentence are a fair sampling of the ones dredged up by the reporters straining to give their prose a desperately needed dash of color.

Kivie Kaplan Describes Peace March Experience

Kivie Kaplan of Chestnut Hill and Vineyard Haven, a civil rights leader active in the national N.A.A.C.P., was among those who attended the Peace March in Washington last week, and he has written the following account of that experience, which he described as an inspiring one.
“To see the more than a quarter of a million dedicated young men and women and very few adults certainly showed that there was hope for the future, with our wonderful youth of today.

Moratorium Day Observance Quiet on the Vineyard

Vietnam Moratorium Day was observed quietly in various parts of the Vineyard Wednesday - by children building peace symbols on the Menemsha sand; worshipers at a morning Eucharist service and an evening prayer service at Vineyard Haven’s Grace Episcopal Church; a solemn handful who listened to the names of Massachusetts’ war dead being read, high school students attentive to blues-rock music and a dozen who shivered after dark with candles in their hands outside the West Tisbury Congregational Church,

Senator Kennedy Pleads Guilty to Leaving Accident

In a voice that was at first inaudible, Senator Edward M. Kennedy pleaded guilty this morning in district court to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after knowingly causing injury to Miss Mary Jo Kopechne without making himself known. Judge James A. Boyle imposed a suspended two-month sentence to the house of correction at Barnstable, with the comment that “the defendant has already been and will continue to be punished far beyond anything this court can impose.”

Senator Kennedy is Charged with Leaving Accident

Chief Dominick J. Arena of the Edgartown police yesterday filed application for a complaint against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy for leaving the scene of an accident on Chappaquiddick, in which Miss Mary Jo Kopechne of Washington, D. C., was drowned. Senator Kennedy has admitted that he was the driver of the automobile that ran off the Dike Bridge and sank in Poucha Pond, with Miss Kopechne trapped inside.

Wealth of Treasures Convey Sense of Island’s Rich Past at the Historical Society’s Museum

Hens’ gravestones, a scrimshaw toothpick, a spittoon of General Grant’s, a plank from the Constitution and a spanker for naughty boys are among the many curiosities on display at the Duke’s County Historical Society museum on School street in Edgartown.

New Studio and Shop Greets Vineyard Public

The shop and studio of the Mosher Photo Service opened at its new location on Main street in Vineyard Haven on Monday morning. This building, almost across the street from the Vineyard Vendor, is sometimes known as the shoe shop building from having been occupied for years by a shoe repairing business. Now, remodeled throughout to provide a camera shop in the front portion and a studio in the rear, it presents an extremely attractive appearance.

Attractive Interior

Boat Shop That Became a Home for Island Art

When in Edgartown, we invite you to take a walk along Dock street to the northern end. There beside you is a tall grey building. Look up and up and see how it reaches into the sky with cathedral dignity. It has a tower on the front, as does any proper cathedral, and also many windows on the long sides. Farther up are rows of skylights like the clerestory in a Gothic medieval church, but our skylights leak. High in the peaks are two round windows, the glass pink with age, so it boasts two rose windows as well.
