Church Sound and Safe, Rumors Publicly Denied

Members of Bradley Memorial Church, Oak Blufs, are greatly distressed over the report which has circulated to the effect that their church building has been condemned as un­safe. Mrs. Mabel Hughes, one of the extremely active members of the church, approached the Gazette this week with the request that this might be publicly denied. Mrs. Hughes was furnished with official statement signed by all three members of the board of selectmen of Oak Bluffs, .which stated that the building has not been condemned for this or any other reason.

“For Sale” Sign on Famous Boat Builder’s Shop Causes Consternation - Manuel May Shift Moorings

There is a “For Sale” sign on the boat shop of Manuel S. Roberts at the head of the town wharf in Edgartown, a sign indicating that the historic building and the land upon which it is situated are for sale. Indicating also - and this brings a touch of near-tragedy to the picture - that this building long associated with ships, boats and salt water and men who have gone down to the sea, may enter upon a new and cheaply-gilded existence as a Gifte Shoppe - and its proprietor, as much a landmark as the building, removed from the setting which he has dominated for so long.

D.C.H.S. To Build Fireproof Museum

A new fireproof building to house the priceless records and collections of the Dukes County Historical Society is to be built on the land on School street, Edgartown, adjoining the grounds of the society’s Squire Cooke house. The new structure, although placed near School street on this lot, will face toward Cooke street, making an angle with the Gay Head lens tower and the Cooke house.


A traffic-stopper in Edgartown this week has been the corner of Davis Lane and School street where the stately house which was once Davis Academy and is now the summer home of the G. Holmes Perkins family, of Cambridge and Philadelphia, has been emerging in a pale blue manifestation, with white trim.

Half the Job is Done; the Gay Head Lens Is Brought to New Home at the Historical Society

When the good ship Uncle Toby brought the new Fresnel lens to New York and the lens was subsequently deposited at the Edgartown wharf, almost a hundred years ago, little did the drivers, or anyone else for that matter, dream that the forty yoke oxen employed to transport the lens across the Island to Gay Head would not be the last agents to ever move the sixty frames of glass prisms and the multitudinous collection of machinery necessary to operate the light. This week all of these things were back in Edgartown.

Malcolm Keniston Takes 1st Big Bass: Opening of Striper Derby Sparked by 41-Pounder

Indian summer weather greeted the opening of the 1952 seventh annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass Derby, says Ben Morton, chief publicity man for the Island committee, and at the end of the first complete day of weighing-in Malcolm Keniston, manager of the Edgartown Water Company, was bathed in the light of glory. He was Wednesday night, when his picture appeared on television, sharing the spot with a striper which went to 41 pounds 7 ounces.

New Coast Guard Station Arrives

The Island’s new Coast Guard station, en route from Cuttyhunk, came through Quick’s Hole, from Buzzards Bay at 1 o’clock yesterday, and proceeded across the Sound without mishap.

Glimmering Symbol of a Proper Lake

One of the most alluring names of Martha’s Vineyard is that of Lake Tashmoo. Islanders and visitors alike enjoy the feeling of Tashmoo on their tongues - it has euphony and dignity and is like no other usual word. The lake itself, which might be called a great pond like other bodies of fresh water on the Vineyard but for its beauty and the beauty of its setting, is situated in the township of Tisbury near Vineyard Sound.

Piratical Visitor to Barbary Coast

For more than a century, only one dwelling house stood in what is now the settlement of Eastville, on the eastern shore of Vineyard Haven harbor. The laying out of streets there did not begin until after 1834 - and the growth from then on was partly due to the influence of the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting at what is now Oak Bluffs, in 1835. The camp meeting landing was at Eastville.

Open Door Club Finds Its Niche: For 12 Years It Has Played An Important Role

Twelve years ago a group of men and women, domestic employees, who came to Edgartown, formed a club to provide a means of social contact which was otherwise lacking,. and to make possible pleasant use of leisure time. Fer the past five years the membership has been sixty-five. The idea of the club came from Louise Hayer of EngLwood, N. J. and has been improved upon by Edna and James Smith.
