State Aids Talks in Town-Tribe Clash on Guns

The dispute over the right of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head
(Aquinnah) to arm its rangers with handguns and establish its own police
force is now being hashed out in the offices of the state attorney
general in Boston, where state officials are acting as facilitators.

Tisbury Police Department Size Debated

Tisbury Police Department Size Debated


At a Tisbury police labor management meeting Tuesday afternoon,
patrolmen said their own safety and that of the public is jeopardized by
having a department of only 11 men.

The union wants an increase in manpower. But selectmen have been
considering cutting back the department since more than a month ago,
when police chief John McCarthy asked the board's permission to
hire a patrolman to replace one who recently retired. Selectman Tristan
Israel questioned the need, and the debate was on.

Safety Concerns Aboard Flights Postpone Travel by Vineyard Students Until March

Grounded through February, Island school students can forget about their travel plans to England, Barbados, Cuba, Germany and Russia. School leaders decided this week to cancel flight travel for student trips until March, citing safety concerns in the aftermath of last month's terrorist attacks.

School Census Falls on Island

A sluggish economy coupled with a severe lack of affordable housing on the Vineyard may be responsible for stagnant and, in some cases, falling enrollments reported by Island schools this week.

National Guard Personnel Bolster Security Measures at the Vineyard Airport

National Guard detachments will arrive at the Martha's Vineyard Airport soon to help strengthen security operations.

Acting Gov. Jane Swift announced this week that National Guardsmen will be sent to several airports across the state.

New Bedford Ferry Divides Selectmen

New Bedford Ferry Divides Selectmen

Vineyard Leaders Order SSA Governor to Return for Further
Consultations Before Final Decision on Fast Ferry

Gazette Senior Writer

For the second time in a month, a large group of Vineyard selectmen
this week wavered on the subject of high-speed ferry service out of New
Bedford, asking the Island Steamship Authority governor to meet with
them one more time before he makes any decision on a trial fast ferry

Frank Fenner Wins Chilmark Selectman Race by Wide Margin

Frank M. Fenner Jr. is Chilmark's newest selectman. He was
elected overwhelmingly into office, winning 58 per cent of the vote in
Wednesday's special election. He fills the unexpired term left
vacant by the late Herbert Hancock. With 273 votes, he handily beat
candidates Marc Villa (169 votes) and Elizabeth Pickett-Gray (24). There
were 467 votes cast, and one blank ballot.

SSA Excursion Fare Rates Rise

The popular low-cost excursion fares for Vineyard residents on
Steamship Authority ferries are now slated for major change, if a
proposal by boat line managers is approved next month.

New Bedford SSA Suit Goes to Trial

New Bedford SSA Suit Goes to Trial


A federal judge ruled last week that a lawsuit between the city of
New Bedford and the Steamship Authority can go to trial, although the
judge imposed a set of strict limits that will block any plan by the
Whaling City to turn the case into a giant legal fishing expedition.

First Fall Northeaster Buffets Vineyard with Heavy Rains and Blustery Winds

First Fall Northeaster Buffets Vineyard With Heavy Rains and
Blustery Winds


A late September northeaster hit the Island Saturday and lingered
through the weekend, bringing heavy rains and gusty winds and generally
upsetting Vineyard life.

The fall fishing derby was effectively put on hold by the high
winds, which kept boats at their moorings. Only seven fish were weighed
on Sunday, and just four Monday morning.
