Charter School Graduation

Charter School Graduation


The four were barefoot, with flower laurels on their heads as they
walked down the aisle beneath the white tent to take their seats center
stage on Saturday afternoon, as Aretha Franklin's Respect boomed
from the sound system. Close to 200 people stood, roaring in support of
Walker Blackwell, Sarah Maxner, Elana Robinson-Lynch and Indaia
Whitcombe, celebrating these first graduates of the first-ever
commencement day in the five-year history of the Martha's Vineyard
Public Charter School.

Charter School Reaches Milestone: First Graduation for Honored Four

Every school graduation is important. But the graduation taking place this Saturday, June 2, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School is in a class of its own.

Tomorrow, the charter school will celebrate its first ever graduation. Four students make up the graduating class. Walker Blackwell, Elana Robinson-Lynch, Indaia Whitcombe and Sarah Maxner will receive diplomas and speak at the event. Thursday morning, the four students talked with the Gazette about the school and their lives.

Cruise Lines Sail for Vineyard

Cruise Lines Sail for Vineyard


Destination: Martha's Vineyard. That's the proclamation
this season for two new cruise line companies and this speaks to a
larger trend for the Vineyard.

Norwegian Cruise Lines will deliver 1,500 to 1,800 passengers to
Terry McCarthy's Dockside Marina in Oak Bluffs starting next
Friday. This wave of tourists will arrive every Friday through the
summer. Oak Bluffs will continue to host Regal Cruise Line throughout
the summer as well.

Senior SSA Officials Press Covert Plan for High Speed Link to New Bedford

A small circle of senior managers at the Steamship Authority last
week quietly filed an application for some $2 million in federal grant
money to help launch an $8 million high-speed passenger ferry operation
between the Vineyard and New Bedford, the Gazette has learned.

Family Poised to File Wrongful Death Suit

A wrongful death lawsuit is expected to be filed next week in
connection with the car crash last March that claimed the life of Eric
MacLean, an 18-year-old high school senior who was thrown from a Jeep
driven by his friend and classmate, Seamus O'Brien.

Vineyard Haven Voters Decide June 12 on Successor to Edmond G. Coogan

Vineyard Haven Voters Decide June 12 on Successor to Edmond G.


On Tuesday, June 12, Tisbury voters will decide which of two
candidates, Cora Medeiros or Ray LaPorte, will fill the vacancy on the
board of selectmen resulting from the death of Edmond G. Coogan earlier
this year.

Mrs. Medeiros and Mr. LaPorte spoke with the Gazette in separate
interviews to discuss the race and the issues before the town.

Propaganda Blitz on Fast Ferries Seeks Public Opinion Overhaul

A selling job. Pitching the fast ferry. This is the main melody
these days at the Steamship Authority, where management activities have
spun into overdrive on the ambitious new service model that has been
under discussion in all the port communities for the last five months.

Packer Oil Hit with Charges

Federal Agency Cites Packer Firm For Violations of Clean Air Act; Investigation Charges Release Of Tons of Toxic Pollutants

R.M. Packer Co., the 23-year-old gas and oil concern headquartered in Vineyard Haven, was cited by the federal Environmental Protection Agency this month for a long list of violations to the Clean Air Act.

Martha's Vineyard Grows Older in the New Census Count for Towns, County

If it seems the inventory of hair color products on Island drugstore and supermarket shelves is growing larger every year - well, it probably is. New data released by the U.S. Census Bureau this week shows that gray hair is the increasingly predominant theme in Dukes County, and for that matter all over Massachusetts, as the population grows older and the number of households with children begins to dwindle.

Birth of a Light Is Remembered at Cape Pogue

The Vineyard's outermost lighthouse is celebrating a birthday. The Cape Pogue Lighthouse on Chappaquiddick is 200 years old, and for most of those years it has stood as a constant and reliable sentinel for ships making passage across the sometimes treacherous waters of Nantucket Sound.
