Brilliant Career of New Attorney General

As a young man, Edward W. Brooke wanted to be a doctor. Today, he is the first Negro to win state-wide office in Massachusetts and is the attorney general-elect, writes Ronald A. Wysocki of the Boston Globe.
It was while he was in Italy as an infantry captain in World War II that he decided to practice law. Disturbed by the indifference in which officers were chosen as defense counsel in courts-martial - many without any inkling or military law - he began a study of the subject.

Island Eleven Ends Its Best Season So Far

The Vineyarders closed out their most successful season to date with a sparkling 5-2 record, beating Nantucket, after beating them soundly the week before on the Vineyard. Gordon Bassett and John Bunker rushed the Nantucket quarterback, Vaughan Machado, in a second period pass play from the Nantucket 30. In a play described by Assistant Coach Francis Pachico as “The most unbelievable play of the year,” Machado threw the ball away, from about his own fifteen. Only he got turned around under pressure, and threw to his own goal line.

History of Playground

The recent mention of the Vineyard Haven playground in the Gazette having excited comment and queries, Paul Owen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Barry Owen of that town, has looked up the records in the county registry and the Tisbury town office, in order to determine exactly the present status of this public property.

Owen Playground Is Really Not a Park

There now appears on the new bandstand on the Vineyard Haven playground the following inscription: William Barry Owen, Playground and Recreation Area.

There has been no sign on this playground for many years and the original sign was small, obscurely located, and did not carry as much information. But this new sign makes clear that the town of Tisbury owns no park area, according to the legal interpretation of the term, but a playground.

Equal Rights Cheered At Tabernacle Rally: Roy Wilkins Says Fight Was Started Late - Must Win Now

A near-capacity crowd turned out late Sunday afternoon at the Oak Bluffs Tabernacle to cheer an unprecedented event on the Vineyard - the first Freedom Fund rally to support equal rights for Negroes throughout the country. The sponsor of the affair was the Cape Cod branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The site was highly appropriate, for Oak Bluffs and, more specifically, the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association which operates the historic Tabernacle, have long epitomized the goals of equality that the NAACP actively promotes.

Like Bugs to a Bulb Vacationers Rally to the Lure of Caroline, Jackie and the President

For a few minutes on Sunday afternoon, the Vineyard seemed supremely apathetic to a visit by the President of the United States. But that was because his arrival was unheralded, and when word got out that the cabin cruiser which had tied up at Edgartown carried a boatload of Kennedys - starring Caroline toward the bow - pandemonium broke loose around the harbor.

The Chappy Bathing Beach is Purchased by Northam Warren

The Chappaquiddick Beach Club, historically important in the development of Edgartown and one of the key properties in its summer life, has been sold by Esther C. Conkling and Irene C. Wagenaar to Northam Warren Jr. and Dorothy C. Warren of New Canaan, Conn.
The Warrens in recent seasons have leased from Robert Marshall what is known as the Dr. Marshall house on Chappaquiddick. They will take title to the beach property on or before Oct. 1, and the beach club will be operated this summer, as in recent years, by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conkling.

Edgartown Town Column

A brick sidewalk was laid this week along the School street side of the G. Holmes Perkins house on Davis Lane. Phil Dube & Sons were in charge of the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris M. Angevin of Glendale, Ohio, arrived on Saturday, spending three days at the Daggett House before opening their Fuller street summer home off White Cat Lane. They will remain for the summer.
A son was born on Tuesday at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital to Sgt. and Mrs. Wayland S. Fuller.

Fisherman Comes Up with Largest Catch of This or Any Season

The 83-foot sea-scalloper Stanley M. Fisher, Capt. George H. Fisher of Oak Bluffs, came up with perhaps the biggest catch of this or any other season last Thursday night, the Navy’s nuclear powered submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus.

Definite Facts on Housing Units, Their Condition, Equipment

The 1960 census of housing of the U.S. Department of Commerce counted 5,340 housing units in Dukes County. Of these:
  • 4,019 were in sound condition with all plumbing
  • 2,032 were occupied
  • 1,579 were occupied by owners
  • $10,100 was the median value of owner-occupied places
  • 456 were occupied by renters
  • $75 was the median gross rent of rented places
  • 4,499 had hot and cold running water
  • 5,019 had flush toilet, 4,827 bathtub or shower
  • 3,966 had basements
  • 4 were trailer homes
