Patricia Nanon Is Still Dancing in Her Own Yard

Patricia Nanon is back in the barn. She may need her dancers as a
barre to balance herself these days, she may choreograph with the aid of
a rehearsal assistant, but there she is in the Chilmark studio that
bears her name at The Yard. Now in her eighties, the tiny dancer who
founded this unique performing arts colony is there entrancing the elite
dancers, preparing to debut another new work.

Robert Murphy Has High Hopes for the Vineyard of the Future

Robert Murphy Has High Hopes for the Vineyard of the Future


Robert C. Murphy remembers his childhood winters in Oak Bluffs, when
there were no movie theatres open and the bowling alley was the only
source of social activity.

Island children today by comparison have a bounty of entertainment
and cultural opportunities - which Mr. Murphy sees as one of the
many positive aspects of the growth that the Vineyard has experienced
over the last few decades.

These Teachers Spend Vacation at Work

Island teachers have their summers off in a place that is arguably
one of the best in the world to spend the season - but few really
embrace the vacation in summer vacation.

With demands for post-graduate degrees and a rising cost of living,
many teachers leave the Vineyard to further their educations, and many
more take on seasonal work or run their own enterprises.

Alabama Crew Member Falls to Death on Board Tall Ship Off West Chop

Alabama Crew Member Falls to Death on Board Tall Ship Off West Chop


A crew member working aboard the tall ship Alabama fell to his death
on Friday morning while the ship was heading out on a day sail.

Benjamin Sutherland, 18, of Concord, was aloft in the rigging 30
feet up when he apparently slipped and plummeted to the deck below.
Emergency responders who were rushed to the boat were unable to revive
Mr. Sutherland, who was later pronounced dead at the Martha's
Vineyard Hospital.

Take Kale and Add Heaps of Tradition for Portuguese Feast of Holy Ghost

They sopped up the sopa, boogied to the brinquinho and munched down
the malasadas this weekend during the annual Portuguese-American Feast
of the Holy Ghost.

Organizers of the two-day event said the turnout was excellent, as
people of all nationalities converged under a canopy of clear blue skies
to celebrate all things Portuguese.

Rosabeth Kanter Saves the World Ten Ideas, One Book at a Time

Take Kale and Add Heaps of Tradition for Portuguese Feast of Holy


They sopped up the sopa, boogied to the brinquinho and munched down
the malasadas this weekend during the annual Portuguese-American Feast
of the Holy Ghost.

Organizers of the two-day event said the turnout was excellent, as
people of all nationalities converged under a canopy of clear blue skies
to celebrate all things Portuguese.

Shark Tournament Begins on Thursday

Controversy Plagues Oak Bluffs Contest; Scientists, Fishermen on One
Side, Humane Society on the Other

Several years ago the Boston Big Game Fishing Club Monster Shark
Tournament was widely viewed as a simple affair, an event that attracted
top fishermen from up and down the East Coast and generated a moderate
boost in business for local shops and restaurants.

Taste and Toast of Pure Water Marks Vineyard House Benefit

On Thursday evening, as guests raise their glasses to support Vineyard House, a safe, sober place for Islanders to live while in the early stages of substance abuse recovery, they will be toasting with a selection of donated waters rather than wine and beer.

Mr. Buchwald Leaves Hospice to Come Home

Mr. Buchwald Leaves Hospice to Come Home

Special to the Vineyard Gazette

During the period when I had a lot of time to think I spent a lot of
time thinking about the Vineyard.

On Cuttyhunk, Sight of Godspeed Brings Joy

On Cuttyhunk, Sight of Godspeed Brings Joy

Gazette Senior Writer

CUTTYHUNK - Late Monday afternoon, Cuttyhunk residents were
sitting around, a popular Island pursuit, when they spied the sails of a
1600s sailing vessel nearing Penikese.

It was the Godspeed!

Residents raced down to the harbor for their boats in
unCuttyhunk-like haste.
