Planning Vision: MVC Counts Three Decades of Unique Act

The early framers were the Thomas Jeffersons of the Vineyard - visionaries and idealists ahead of their time. They looked down the road, saw trouble and took action, with an eye toward a regional solution.

The result was the Martha's Vineyard Commission, a regulatory commission considered unique in American government, both then and now.

Football Team Hits Rough Patch with Suspensions and Injuries

Heading into this year's fall football season, Martha's
Vineyard Regional High School head coach Donald Herman knew his team was
going to face new challenges. He just didn't expect them to come
from off the field.

A string of disciplinary actions - resulting in numerous team
suspensions - has thrown the Vineyarders' season into a

Aquinnah Town Treasurer Quits Abruptly Amid Tense Fallout from Failed Override

Declaring that her selectmen show no respect for town employees and
have lost touch with the voters, Aquinnah treasurer and town
administrator Beverly A. Widdiss abruptly resigned Monday night in the
midst of a selectmen's meeting.

Her announcement was the first in a series of tense moments between
selectmen and a handful of town residents who filled a small meeting
room in the town hall.

West Tisbury Town Hall Project Wins Approval in Round One

After more than seven years of debate, West Tisbury voters this week soundly approved a $3.7 million renovation project for their town hall.

At a special town meeting held in the elementary school gymnasium Tuesday night, the town hall article, which needed two-thirds approval, passed 119-11, with more than 90 per cent of the vote.

But before the sound of hammers can begin to ring in the town village, voters must first approve the project again at a special town election next week.

Scallop Season Opens on Island Ponds with Mixed Predictions for the Harvest

This weekend recreational fishermen will take to the shoreline with dip nets and peep sights to search for one of the most prized gifts of autumn. They'll be looking for dinner. In Oak Bluffs and Tisbury recreational shellfishermen will be able to fish Lagoon Pond. Their commercial counterparts will begin fishing on Monday.

The bay scallop season is now open.

The Vineyard and Nantucket are two of the last places where bay scallops are plentiful.

Campaign Trail: Jabberwocky Is Hard at It Again with News Team

Campaign Trail: Jabberwocky Is Hard at it Again with News Team


NEW YORK CITY - After the unfortunate sporting events of last
week, this town needed a reason to believe in life again, and to laugh.
On Monday night it got both.

In one of those sleek studios with concrete floors down in the West
Village, 300 people jammed into a white room with tall, narrow windows
and caught a 25-minute glimpse of a new film being made by disabled

Vineyard Voters Head to Polls Tuesday to Cast Ballots in Presidential Election

Sturdy brown envelopes, some of them mailed from as far away as the Netherlands, Italy and Russia, are stacked up tall on the desk of Wanda Williams, the town clerk in Edgartown.

Ask Ms. Williams or any of the Island's other five town clerks how things are going the week before Election Day, and you'll hear a deep sigh. They are swamped, not only with a surge of those brown envelopes containing absentee ballots but also with tallying up new voters.

Four County Candidates Speak Out

A semi-retired financial consultant from Vineyard Haven is the lone
challenger vying to unseat one of three incumbents in this year's
race for a spot on the Dukes County Commission.

George J. Balco, a Republican from Vineyard Haven and former
chairman of the Martha's Vineyard Airport Commission, is running
against Democrats John S. Alley of West Tisbury, Leonard Jason Jr. of
Chilmark and Roger Wey of Oak Bluffs.

Community Services Launches Self-Study with Heller School

Community Services Launches Self-Study with Heller School


Martha's Vineyard Community Services announced this week that
it has launched a comprehensive internal management study with the
prestigious Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis

The seven-month, privately funded study is aimed at developing a
strategic plan for the unique umbrella human services agency that was
founded in 1961.

Aquinnah Override Is Rejected for Third Time in Five Months

Aquinnah Override Is Rejected for Third Time in Five Months


A large turnout of Aquinnah voters said no to a Proposition 2 1/2
override yesterday for the third time in five months, dealing a final
blow to the town selectmen on the subject of town spending -
except when it comes to plowing snow.
