Young Fishermen Get Hooked At Derby

It’s been a big opening week for the youngest generation of Island fishermen, with juniors and mini juniors holding their own against the grown-ups in the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby.

Squibnocket Committee Hears Alternative Plan for Beach

The latest proposal for restoring Squibnocket Beach was presented to the town committee on Tuesday by the Friends of Squibnocket, a group that includes homeowners in the beach area.

Petty Thieves or Boggarts of Island Life?

A few weeks ago my business was robbed. As a seasoned business owner for over 35 years, believe me, I’ve had to face a lot worse.

The Derby

The Derby

He takes lure, doubles the rod.
Must be male, feels more like competition
than romance. Five miles offshore
near the Hooter, the big one and I
test the filament between us.
He’s spooling the reel. Tighten drag
don’t line out! He turns. Retrieve!
He runs again, against the drag
against the tide. Reverse the boat.
Clumsy chase, backward, reeling
not steering. Tip up! Tip up!

Book Recalls Marine Disaster That Was a Force for Change

The unexplained sinking of the fishing boat Sol e Mar sent large waves across the waterfront community. In the end this marine disaster led to significant changes in the way rescuers do business.

Owen Park Fiasco

Owen Park has become nothing short of a total disgrace! This incredible jewel of an entry point for boaters into Vineyard Haven harbor has fallen into complete disrepair.

Finding Comfort in a Virtual Rescue

I am penniless and without a passport right now in Istanbul, many of my friends believe. That’s not at all impossible. I could well be.

A Citizen Recruit to Imagine the Future

As Labor Day passes, those of us remaining on the Island begin to transition from the fast pace of summer to the more measured rhythms of fall. For many of us, it is a time to take a deep breath, reconnect with our community and pick up the projects that we set aside in May.

Joining the March

On Sept. 21 a group of Islanders will travel to New York city to take part in the historic People’s Climate March covering an estimated 26 blocks beginning at Columbus Circle and ending facing the United Nations.

Cape Wind Risks

It took my daughter, studying environmental sciences at Elon University, in a report she just submitted, to rekindle my interest concerning the dangers of Cape Wind.
