Some Fee Hikes Approved for OSVs at Norton Point Beach

Fees are going up for over-sand vehicle permits, as the Trustees of Reservations work to enhance stewardship and generate more revenue for the fragile barrier beach. The county commission approved hikes to annual permits, but held off on approval for daily pass increases.

Waning Crescent Moon and Venus

The Big Dipper is in a perfect viewing position in spring. An hour after sunset, the constellation is almost overhead.

Horse Council Gallops to West Tisbury for Open House

The Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council is hosting its spring open house from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 27.

Watch Out Garden and Lawn, Here Comes Tilton Rent It All

Leafblowers, hedge clippers, scaffolding and concrete mixers, Tilton Rentall in Oak Bluffs has it all. "People come alive and they start to think about projects and events," says Tilton owner Sandra Lippens.

Stop & Shop Critics Mobilize

As a long public review of the Stop & Shop expansion winds down before the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, opposition to the project has begun to heat up. An Island citizens group is circulating an online petition and organizing a letter-writing campaign to the MVC.

Shellfish Plan Spans Chilmark and Tisbury

With nitrogen pollution a perpetual concern for Vineyard waterways, two towns are hoping that a shellfish experiment will be the latest puzzle piece to fall into place.

Voters in Chilmark and Tisbury will be asked at their respective town meetings next week to fund pilot programs aimed at reducing nitrogen levels in two locations: Chilmark Pond and Lagoon Pond. Through the funding and a partnership with the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group, test reefs of noncommercial oysters will be cultivated, in addition to beds of native ribbed mussels.

Chilmark Divided Over Squibnocket Beach; Town Meeting Monday

The controversial improvement project for Squibnocket beach is the talk of the town and comes to a vote Monday night in the Chilmark Community Center. Moderator Everett Poole said he will give a free rein to debate.

Budget Override Main Focus of Tisbury Town Meeting

There are 35 articles on the Tisbury annual town meeting warrant and 22 articles on the special town meeting warrant. Moderator Deborah Medders will preside on Tuesday night.

Coast to Coast for New Freight Boat

The design process for a new Steamship Authority vessel that will replace the freight ferry Governor begins in Seattle with the Elliott Bay Design Group, the same firm that designed the Island Home. Final contract drawings and specifications are expected to be completed by the end of October.

Sunday Strolling at Indian Hill

At last, despite frost some mornings, spring seems to be in the air. On Easter Sunday and one day before, it was announcing its presence with enthusiasm.
