34 Bijahs Way, Chilmark

Architecturally designed home on four acres in a rural location off Tea Lane in Chilmark. The four-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home has an open floor plan. Renovated kitchen includes stainless steel appliances.

Mentor Step Ahead in Subversive Tally

He slid my article across his desk right at me. “Not everything’s funny. You want to be a wise guy or a journalist?” he said. “Why can’t I be both?” I snapped.

Medical Marijuana Details Seem to Be in Eye of Beholder

I’m glad Dr. Nieder is not going to be prescribing cannabis as I would never see a doctor that displays such scientific ignorance. Dr. Nieder claims smoking cannabis has only been an issue for 50 years in America. In fact in 1937 the most ridiculous legislation was passed by Congress.

Future of Home Care

If you read the Gazette last week, you learned that the Vineyard Nursing Association is having financial difficulties. The simple truth is that without a reserve or an endowment, we have operated for most of our 30-year history on the narrowest of margins.

Misinformed on Menhaden

The opinion piece by Dick Russell (Conservation is Essential to Save the Striper, Vineyard Gazette Oct. 31) misinforms readers concerning the actions of Omega Protein. His anecdotes and claims regarding the menhaden fishery were clearly not fact-checked, resulting in an error-laden piece on an otherwise important issue — sustainable fisheries management.

JFK Sighting

If anyone has wondered lately when President Kennedy was last in Vineyard waters, our family can report we happened to be in a boat in Edgartown on Labor Day weekend 1963 when the Honey Fitz appeared.

Giving Thanks for the Y

In the spirit of being thankful for what we have and having the opportunity to give back to our community that sustains us here on the Vineyard, I wanted to share our appreciation for the YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard as they are in the midst of their annual campaign.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: Nov. 29

Get out your pens and checkbooks, here is my annual Black Friday wish list: Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, Martha’s Vineyard Community Services and its Connect to End the Violence program — formerly called Womens’ Support Services — the Boys and Girls Club, Boy Scouts of America (fill in the memo line "Island scouts," do the same thing for the Girl Scouts), the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard, Women Empowered — you get the idea.

Stocking Up

Happy Thanksgiving to all Dukes County employees and friends of Dukes County.

VTA Plans Series of Fare Hikes

The Vineyard Transit Authority has unveiled a multi-year plan to increase fares aboard its buses and vans. The proposal incorporates fare hikes in each type of ridership pass, including multi-day, single-ride and annual passes.
