Yoga Teacher Training

The Yoga Barn in Chilmark and Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard (ACE MV) have teamed up to provide a nine-week yoga teacher training course. The classes will take place one weekend per month from September through May 2013. College credits from Florida State University are available.

Tisbury Car Show Sunday

The Tisbury Firefighters Association holds its annual car show from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 1, on Main street in Vineyard Haven. Everyone is welcome to come check out the autos, live music and food. Entrance fee for vehicles is $10 and photographs will be taken of each with the winners to be chosen for a calendar.

Martha's Vineyard Film Center Proves its Premise: If You Build It, They Will Come Watch

In the projection room of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center in Vineyard Haven there is one Mac computer on a desk and two small flatscreen Toshiba monitors mounted on a tall unit that controls film projection. On the floor and on a nearby table are several small crates, some orange and some muddy silver, all marked with return FedEx labels. Ship To: BURBANK, CA.

Cooking Up a Hawaiian Sound With Dash of Vineyard Groove

For the past five summers John Cruz has been coming to the Vineyard to sing on the schooner Alabama for three nights in August. The day after one of the cruises this year, John talked about his work, his music, his life and deep connections to the Vineyard. “The two things I love most to do are making music and cooking,” he said while preparing a lunch of striped bass for friends in the ramshackle red farmhouse across from Alley’s General Store in West Tisbury.

Bid Whist Classic Results

Nearly 90 people attended the Buddy Harris Bid Whist Classic at the P.A. Club on August 21, in honor of longtime vacationer Buddy Harris.

Yard Workers Not Just Desk Jockeys

Alison Manning and Jesse Keller can always return to the dance floor. It’s a lesson they learned at the age of six when they began to dance, and one they’ve carried with them throughout their careers. Now they hope to teach that to the next generation.

Kids Get Rich Rewards from Life Lessons

As chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett is widely considered the most successful investor of the last century. Less well known is the fact that he impersonates super heroes such as Batman and Spiderman in his spare time.

He has Andy Heyward, a seasonal resident of Katama and the creator of Inspector Gadget, to thank for this.

Songwriters Festival

The Nashville sound will be heard on the Vineyard as the 2013 Martha’s Vineyard Songwriters Festival takes place from Sept. 13 to 15. Artists and songwriters from the Music City will offer a workshop for aspiring songwriters with instruction by Steve Seskin and Steve Bloch. Workshop attendees are also invited to a casual barbecue/guitar event on Friday night, Sept. 13.

Morning Moon and Planets

For those who rise early tomorrow morning there is a pretty scene over the eastern sky, an hour or more before sunrise. A thin crescent moon appears right next to the bright planet Jupiter. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Gemini.

On Sunday morning the moon is closer to the horizon and above the red planet Mars. On Monday morning the moon is a thinner crescent and underneath Mars. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Cancer.

Mars and Jupiter are distinctly different in brightness. Jupiter is the far brighter, while Mars is a dull red.

Please Adopt Us

Never count your chickens before they are hatched or your cats before they walk out the door of the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard with a new owner. Our shy black tom cat, Michael, emerged from hiding into the arms of someone who promised him a home.
