Shrinking Borders

In the fullness of time, coastal scientists say, Martha’s Vineyard will disappear back into the ocean and new islands will form on what is now Georges Bank. It is part of a grand cycle of sediment redistribution, where land is not lost, but simply transported from one spot to another.

As You Walk on By Will You Call My Name?

Now I know what it feels like to be the Invisible Woman. Last Sunday I thought West Tisbury Congregational Church members were likely, after services, to go to Alley’s General Store for their Sunday Boston Globe or New York Times. It seemed a perfect place on a sunny day to position myself to sell copies of my souvenir Island book, In Every Season: Memories of Martha’s Vineyard.

Hopeful Spirit of Gettysburg Address Still Resonates Today

Before arriving on the Island in July, I drove through National Military Park where monuments from northern and southern states dominate centuries-old fields of brilliant green, soon to turn golden, and where wild native plants populate the fields buffered by rock walls and split rail fences, looking much as they were in 1863.

In Memory of Bob Lee

We always think of success as being an achievement to some higher status, but Bob Lee fought for his place in the world from the very beginning, his achievement was life itself. We will miss his warm smile, wit and intellect, his musical knowledge and joie de vie. This was his heart home, he belonged, he was one of us and he will be missed by so very many.

Martha's Vineyard NAACP, Fifty Years of Island Activism

I have heard it said about the Martha’s Vineyard branch of the NAACP that it is the most ethnically mixed chapter in the entire country and indeed, since its inception 50 years ago its sense of mission has been equally appealing to both black and white Americans.

South Road Closure

We understand the need for the president’s security, but the forbidding detour signs directing all traffic to North Road seriously hurt West Tisbury businesses, just at the most active part of the summer — and will continue to do so all this week.

Hope for New Paradigm

This is an open letter to President Obama. I’m writing to express my opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline from the tar sands of Alberta to The Gulf Coast. It’s time for the country to begin a new paradigm, off fossil fuels. Rejecting the pipeline is a step in that direction.

Background Sounds

Despite the president’s well-studied, highly polished and loudly proclaimed deep regard for the embattled middle class, perhaps those who might listen carefully may be able to overhear the Obamas and their friends and associates exchange among themselves the basest, most patronizing and contemptuous sounds of amused derision whenever the topic of the challenges of ordinary people is broached, with the clinking of champagne glasses providing accompaniment.

Clearing the Conscience

I have to come clean. The race results for the Chilmark Road Race are in error. I, James Graham did not really run that fast this year. I did not finish number 5, right behind Steven Rattner in the 60 to 69 age group. I know the CRR permanent record book is besmirched but there is a semi-valid reason.

Everyman's Race

As every Gazette readers know, the Chilmark Road Race just celebrated its 36th year. The Gazette has been a big part of the race’s success with reporter after reporter writing wonderful pre-race and post-race stories along with magnificent accompanying photos from Alison Shaw, Peter Simon, Mark Lovewell, and others.
