Land Bank Revenues: August 2

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $111,433.94 for the business week ending on Friday, August 2, 2013. The land bank receives its funds from a two per cent fee charged on many Vineyard real estate transactions.

Vineyard Haven Band in Tune With the Island for 145 Years

At Owen Park, in downtown Vineyard Haven, a little red trailer is hitched to the back of a Chilmark Spring Water van. On the side of the trailer, painted in expansive gold script, it says: The Vineyard Haven Band Est. 1868.

Frank Dunkl, owner of Chilmark Springwater with his brother and sister, serves as the band’s board president, french horn player and passionate historian.

After 30 Years With Whitey Bulger, They're Ready for New Chapter

As a jury deliberates in a Boston federal court over the fate of notorious mobster James (Whitey) Bulger, families of victims, law enforcement and a fascinated public await the outcome of the long saga of Whitey and the corrupt FBI. In the United States v. James J. Bulger, the famous South Boston resident is charged with 32 counts, including extortion, money laundering and 19 counts of murder.

Where the Happy Chickens Roam

It was hard to tell which came first in the hearts of Islanders last Sunday — the chicken or the egg. The Coop de Ville Tour sponsored by Slow Food Martha’s Vineyard offered the opportunity for an egg-centric brunch followed by tours of chicken operations on several farms around the Island. All the chicken love had a purpose, too, according to the people at Slow Food Martha’s Vineyard.

Bite Back the Ticks

Ticks beware. Bite Back for a Cure, the national campaign to fight against the impact of tick-borne disease, is coming to the Vineyard for a fundraising event on August 18.

The day begins with a five-mile bike ride starting from the Lyme Center of Martha’s Vineyard to the Chilmark town hall. Check-in for the ride is at 9:30 a.m. and the bicycling begins at 11 a.m.

Katina I. Makris will speak at the Chilmark Community Church beginning at 1 p.m. Ms. Makris is the author of Out of the Woods.

It Takes an Island to Make Indie Movie

How do you define love? Why is the same word used to define such a broad range of feelings? And, if your wealthy husband is paralyzed in a car accident, which gradation of love will keep you from killing him for the insurance money?

These are just a few of the questions posed by an upcoming short film by Islanders Ronan Noone and Steve Dunayer called The Accident. Although filming will not begin until the fall, the movie will be shot entirely on-Island and the pair has already begun fundraising and checking items off their lengthy to-do list.

Sickle Cell Conversation

On Tuesday, August 13, beginning at 5 p.m., Drs. Alan Flake and Kim Smith-Whitley of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will discuss their research on sickle cell disease at an evening of cocktails and conversation at the Daniel Fisher House, 99 Main Street in Edgartown.

Summer School on the Farm Is Tasty

Throughout the school year, the Island Grown Schools Harvest of the Month program highlights a locally available crop at all seven of our K-12 schools and at six preschools, in school taste tests, on cafeteria lunch menus, and in partnership with Island grocery stores and restaurants.

During the summer, while IGS staff, parents, students and teachers volunteer to maintain our 13 school gardens, students from the regional high school are keeping the Harvest of the Month program alive.

Lettuce In, Raw or Cooked, We're Delicious and Nutritious

Summer is the time for taking advantage of the abundance of available fresh vegetables and fruits. Lightly steamed, prepared raw, sautéed or grilled, vegetables go with anything, anytime. Gobbled up as snacks, blended into smoothies or sliced on top of yogurt, fruit quenches thirst, adds sweetness and tastes delicious.

Chamber Music Concert

The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society is letting its hair down a little bit this week. Performances include popular music by 20th century composers Maurice Ravel, Paul Schoenfield, Astor Piazzolla and George and Ira Gershwin. Guest artists are violinist Stephanie Chase and cellist Scott Kluksdahl, soprano Karen Benjamin and her husband, composer and classical radio personality, Alan Chapman.
