Boys and Girls of Summer

Tuesday night was the first home baseball game of the season for the Sharks and kids from all the little league teams around the Island were invited to take part in the festivities. Teenagers to tee-ballers as tall as a Shark’s backpocket came dressed in their uniforms with gloves at the ready. The competition on the field was first rate. So, too, were the scrambles for foul ball souvenirs.

Is Our Wallet Half Full or Is It Half Empty?

All the years of my marriage when
things have gotten tough, my husband has always said at least no one is chasing us with machetes. Really? has always been my inward eye-rolling response.

When I was first dating him I asked him all those beginning-of-a-relationship questions, like what’s the meanest thing your father ever said and what food did your mom make you eat and were you rich or were you poor? He said his father never said a mean thing and his mother never made him eat anything he didn’t want. And without hesitation he answered yes to rich.

Keeping Our Elders Safe Requires Vigilance

June 15 marks the eighth World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a time for us to build a better understanding of elder abuse and effective ways to respond.
Elder abuse has no boundaries. On-Island and around the globe, the experience of elder abuse transcends communities, cultures and income levels. The term elder abuse refers to intentional or negligent acts that cause harm to those the law recognizes as vulnerable elders Massachusetts law defines an elder as a person age 60 and over. The law requires people in certain professions to report suspected elder abuse to public authorities.

Stage Delight

From the Vineyard Gazette edition of July 12, 1946:
The season at the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse on East Chop has begun this week with Arthur J. Beckhard’s revival of his success, Goodbye Again, which is to open in New York in the fall. Roger Pryor is seen in the leading role, originally played by Osgood Perkins.

Goodbye Again is a comedy in a lighter vein by Alan Scott and George Haight, first produced in 1932. It has in it some inspired fooling, a slight mixture of bedroom farce, and ample opportunity for Mr.

Land Bank Revenues: June 7

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $222,437 for the business week ending on Friday, June 7, 2013. The land bank receives its funds from a two per cent fee charged on many Vineyard real estate transactions.

State Solar Program Maxes Out Early, Vineyard Projects Scramble to Meet New Deadlines

An ambitious state solar energy program has reached its goal four years ahead of schedule, leaving questions about whether some projects on the Vineyard still in development will remain eligible to take full advantage of the program.

Selectmen Reject Lone Bid for Warren House, Will Try Again

Edgartown selectmen Monday rejected a bid to buy the Warren House, a rundown town-owned former captain’s house on North Water street.

After a discussion in executive session with town counsel Ronald H. Rappaport, the selectmen said the bid by a group including Edgartown businesswoman Maggie White was too low. The board voted to put the house advertisement back in the central registry with a minimum bid of $2.3 million.

Banner Scallop Year in Aquinnah Comes to Close

The Aquinnah bay scallop season ends Friday, marking what is believed to be the latest date for a bay scallop season closing in the commonwealth.

The scallop season usually runs from fall until the last day of March, but Aquinnah shellfish constable Brian (Chip) Vanderhoop said unusual circumstances led to the extension of the fishery this year.

Softball Interest Wanes, Coaches Keep Faith

After seeing a steady decrease in overall numbers for years, Vineyard softball is at a critical point for sustaining the sport.

Just 11 players — two more than the minimum needed to field a team — suited up for the varsity high school team this year, with 10 at the jayvee level. Only four freshmen came out for the teams. The once-thriving Babe Ruth softball league, for girls aged 8 to 16, had no teams at all this year and what was once a staple of afterschool life, the junior high program, will no longer be offered as of next spring.

Tournament Play Begins for Travel Soccer Teams

Postseason play begins this weekend for the MV United travel soccer squads, who had an outstanding season even by the high standards of the Vineyard league. Of the eight teams in the program eligible for the South Coast Soccer League postseason, five made it to the playoffs: both under-11 boys’ squads, the under-13 girls’ team, the under-15 girls team, and the under-18 boys’ team. The under-18 team, largely sophomores, finished first in their division and will host Westport in the first round on Sunday at Veterans Field. Game time is at 1:30 p.m.
