Two Vineyard Marathoners Unharmed in Explosions

Two well-known Vineyard runners who participated in the Boston Marathon are safe and unharmed following the explosions at the finish line Monday afternoon that made instant international news. In a text message to the Gazette late Monday, Joe Schroeder said his wife and marathon runner Marylee Schroeder was safe. “All good and [we’re] out of Boston,” Mr. Schroeder said in his text message

Wanted: Host Families for Sharks (the Kind that Field Grounders and Hit Line Drives)

When the weather begins to turn warm, Doris Clark begins her search.

For the past two summers, Mrs. Clark has been the host families coordinator for the Martha’s Vineyard Sharks baseball team, which competes in the Futures Collegiate Baseball League, a summer wooden bat league for college athletes. Most of the players on the team have never been to the Vineyard before, and most need a place to call home base while they travel to and from games across New England.

Coast Guard Plans Lantern Changes at Gay Head Light

Its sweeping beam has guided mariners to safety and cast long flickers of shadow and light across the westernmost edge of the Vineyard for many decades.

But now the Gay Head Light is slated for a lantern change, and in the process the beam will change from sweeping to pulsing.

Lieut. Matthew Stuck of the U.S. Coast Guard aids to navigation branch said recently that the Coast Guard plans to replace the optic rotating light with a flashing LED light sometime in the next few months. The current optic, installed in 1989, is outdated and replacement parts are scarce, Mr. Stuck said.

Chilmark Big House Bylaw Has Last Debate Before Town Meeting

All the houses in Chilmark total three million square feet. Very large houses (more than 6,000 square feet) make up about one per cent of that number.

As Chilmark prepares to vote in 10 days on a first-of-its-kind bylaw that would regulate house size, this was one of the facts that came out during a final public comment session hosted by the town planning board Thursday night.

The bylaw, which has been the subject of widespread discussion in Chilmark and around the Island, comes up for a vote at the annual town meeting April 22.

113 Dukes County Avenue, Oak Bluffs

113 Dukes County Avenue in Oak Bluffs sold for $320,000 on April 1.

9 Hye Road, Edgartown

9 Hye Road in Edgartown sold for $300,000 on April 2.

18 Sixteenth Street South, Edgartown

18 Sixteenth Street South in Edgartown sold for $345,000 on April 2.

21 Island Inn Road Unit 46, Oak Bluffs

21 Island Inn Road, Unit 46 in Oak Bluffs sold for $145,000 on April 5.

Former Bank President Responds to FDIC Order

The former head of the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank, who left last year under circumstances that were never fully explained and now has been permanently barred from banking by federal regulators, said in a statement this week that the allegations against him by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are unfounded and without substance.
