15 Night Heron Road, Edgartown

15 Night Heron Road in Edgartown sold for $383,150 on March 28.

Tisbury Approves Sewer Plant Upgrade; Town Meeting Reconvenes Tonight

Tisbury voters agreed to back a $990,000 upgrade to their sewage treatment plant at the annual town meeting which began Tuesday, and goes to a second session tonight.

The meeting reconvenes at 7 p.m. in the Tisbury School gymnasium.

Voters spent a little more than two hours tackling a 21-article special town meeting warrant and made it through nine of the 35 articles on the annual warrant.

Oak Bluffs Narrowly Defeats Marijuana Dispensary Moratorium

Oak Bluffs voters came out in favor of making the annual shark tournament catch and release only, and narrowly turned down a temporary moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries at a lengthy annual town meeting Tuesday.

The town moved quickly through some items, quickly approving a $25.5 million operating budget and a host of community preservation act projects. Voters also easily approved more than $900,000 for repairing about two dozen town roads that are listed in poor, incomplete or failed condition. The project still needs approval from voters at Thursday’s town election.

West Tisbury Backs New Police Station, Nixes County Spending

A light turnout of agreeable West Tisbury voters Tuesday night approved nearly all of the 37 articles at the annual town meeting, including a $2.45 million police station and a $15,000 Mill Pond watershed study. But they would not agree to spend money on two unrelated countywide programs: pest management and an ongoing window replacement project in the county courthouse.

Edgartown Speeds Through Spending, Takes Ownership of Lighthouse

Edgartown voters made short work of the town’s business Tuesday night, easily approving every spending article on the warrant, passing a bylaw that requires buildings in the historic district to be kept up and voting to take ownership of the Edgartown lighthouse — all in under two hours.

Three of Four Town Meetings Conclude; Outcome Uneven on Medical Marijuana Questions

Medical marijuana dispensaries could become a reality in Oak Bluffs and Tisbury after an effort to place a one-year moratorium on the dispensaries failed to win the backing of voters on Tuesday night. And the countywide pest control program is also in a state of uncertainty after voters in West Tisbury turned down their share of funding for the program.

Medical marijuana questions were on the warrants for three of four town meetings held Tuesday night. The outcome was slightly different in each town.

Super Tuesday Brings Four Annual Town Meetings

High political season begins on the Island this week when voters gather in four Island towns for annual town meetings and elections.

FDIC Bars Former Savings Bank President from Profession

The former head of the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank who left last year under circumstances that were never fully explained, has been permanently barred from banking by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

An “order of prohibition from further participation” was issued against Christopher Wells by the FDIC.

The order was issued in late February and publicly released by the FDIC last week. Mr. Wells signed a consent agreement with the FDIC in which he does not admit the claims against him.

Figure Skating Show Dazzles on Silver Anniversary

They can fly, they feel pretty, they’re singing in the rain and on top of all that, they skate in a chorus line. The Martha’s Vineyard Figure Skating Club was on the ice at the Martha’s Vineyard Arena last weekend for its 25th anniversary show, A Skate Down Memory Lane.

Bailey Park House Warming Gets Extra Blessing

A small but cheerful crowd gathered at 50 Bailey Park Road on Saturday afternoon as the Thomas family — JR, Ariel, Tysean and Dreyden — officially cut the ribbon on their new three-bedroom home in West Tisbury. The Rev. Cathlin Baker of the West Tisbury Congregational Church offered a blessing to the new home, assisted by Tysean and Dreyden. The home was built over the past year and a half by Habitat for Humanity volunteers. As is required for a Habitat home purchase, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas put in 500 hours of work on the house.
