Neighbors, Residents Lambaste Draft Plan for Old House Pond

Neighbors and Residents Lambaste Draft Plan for Old House Pond


Martha's Vineyard Land Bank officials came under fire
this week for their draft plan for Ice House Pond Preserve and the
methods by which they obtained the property.

Voters in Tisbury Back Housing Bank Initiative

Finance, School Boards Face Off Over Budget; District Fate Uncertain


Emotions ran high and arrows flew this week at a
joint meeting between the Up-Island Regional School Committee and the
West Tisbury finance committee, ostensibly called to find a meeting
of the minds on budgetary matters as the annual town meeting season
gets under way.

But hanging in the air was the unspoken issue of the fate of
the small regional school district.

Finance, School Boards Face Off Over Budget; District Fate Uncertain

Finance, School Boards Face Off Over Budget; District Fate Uncertain


Emotions ran high and arrows flew this week at a
joint meeting between the Up-Island Regional School Committee and the
West Tisbury finance committee, ostensibly called to find a meeting
of the minds on budgetary matters as the annual town meeting season
gets under way.

But hanging in the air was the unspoken issue of the fate of
the small regional school district.

Disgruntled Worker Cuts Adelphia Cable

Disgruntled Worker Accused of Cutting Adelphia Cable


A former Adelphia service technician has been accused
of sabotaging company property last Saturday, cutting more than 4,000
Vineyard residents off from cable television service for about 30

Michael F. Kemly, 47, of Herring Creek Road in Edgartown, was
charged Monday in Edgartown district court with 11 felony counts of
malicious destruction of property worth more than $250, and of
larceny of more than $250.

Three Annual Town Meetings Open Tuesday

Three Annual Town Meetings Open Tuesday:

West Tisbury


West Tisbury voters will decide next week whether
they want to spend $655,000 to purchase a private home in North
Tisbury for use as a temporary town hall and, possibly, the future
police station.

The home, on the corner of State and Old Stage roads, is
expected to be the center of debate at the annual town meeting
Tuesday night. Town moderator F. Patrick Gregory will open the
37-article warrant at 7 p.m. in the West Tisbury School.

Three Annual Town Meetings Open Tuesday

Three Annual Town Meetings Open Tuesday:

Oak Bluffs


A proposal to fund the design of a new town hall tops
the warrant facing Oak Bluffs voters next Tuesday.

Additional issues to come before the town meeting include a
$20.3 million budget for the pending fiscal year, the expenditure of
$94,000 in ferry embarkation fee revenue, and adding the North Bluff
to the Cottage City historic district.

Three Annual town Meeings Open Tuesday

Restoration of Spring Building Earns Vineyard Haven Support


Tisbury voters dispatched with special town meeting in one hour
Tuesday night, endorsing the creation of a town dog park, the
restoration of the historic Tashmoo Spring building and the development
of a comprehensive energy plan for the Island.

Restoration of Spring Building Earns Vineyard Haven Support

Tisbury voters dispatched with special town meeting in one hour Tuesday night, endorsing the creation of a town dog park, the restoration of the historic Tashmoo Spring building and the development of a comprehensive energy plan for the Island.

A bare quorum of about 100 residents came to the meeting, which was held in the Tisbury School gymnasium. The night was marked by little discussion, and voters passed all 12 of the non-appropriating articles on the warrant. Town moderator Deborah Medders took the podium just 10 minutes past the scheduled 7:30 starting time.

Annula Town Meeting Set for Next Week in Tisbury

Annual Town Meeting Set for Next Week in Tisbury


For months Tisbury selectmen and Steamship Authority officials have
sparred over how to use revenue collected through the passenger
embarkation fee - now it is town residents' turn to have
their say in the matter.

As part of the 27-article town meeting warrant, Vineyard Haven
voters will decide next week whether to use that money to buy a $300,000
pumper truck for the fire department and a $30,000 cruiser for the
police department.

Refuse District Quells Turmoil

Refuse District Quells Turmoil

Board Decides Not to Privatize, Narrows the List of Candidates for
Hiring Next Manager of Regional Operation


After a long dispute about the future of the Island's
four-town regional refuse district, board members said yesterday that
they expect to hire a new manager by the end of the month.
