Tisbury Police Ask Voters for Staff Help

Tisbury Police Ask Voters for Staff Help

Union Wants Two Additional Officers;Issue Will Appear as April
Article on Town Meeting Warrant


An unprecedented move by the Tisbury police union will put the
debate over staffing of the town police force before the voters at town
meeting time in April.

Tularemia Investigation Nears Finish

From the start, scientists have viewed the outbreak of tularemia on Martha's Vineyard as an ecological puzzle, never a case of bio-terrorism, despite tularemia's recognized status as a bacteria ideally suited for terrorism.

Steamship Authority Board Interviews Strong Field of Finalists for CEO Position

Steamship Authority Board Interviews Strong Field of Finalists for
CEO Position

Gazette Senior Writer

The key to success for the Steamship Authority, a Coast Guard
admiral said yesterday, is to be clear in its own vision.

"I would set the vision for the organization," said Rear
Adm. George Naccara. "But I also need to know what the board
expects from me - what is your long-term vision?"

Vineyard Blooms in Warm and Weird Weather; Butterflies, Roses and Lilacs Lead Parade

When the groundhog awakens from his long winter nap tomorrow at
dawn, he will rise from his hole in the ground and think he overslept.
If he lived on the Vineyard, he'd think it was already spring.

Forsythia are in bloom, and in the past week there have been
sightings of honeybees and, in West Tisbury, a butterfly. Snow drops are
in bloom in various places from Edgartown to West Tisbury.

Inmates Turn Creative Skills to Mosaic Art

It's probably not what any jail warden expected an art class
to look like: inmates wrapping sheets of glass and whole plates in a
towel and then smashing them to bits. Depending on how you looked at it,
the razorlike shards were either a huge security risk or an innovative
art material critical for making mosaics.

Hospital Trustees Seek to Resolve Rising Trouble

Three weeks after a leading surgeon at Martha's Vineyard
Hospital submitted his resignation, hospital board trustees devoted an
entire press conference to the matter, also releasing new letters, from
both the surgeon and a group of doctors, that paint a picture of souring
relations between hospital leadership and the medical staff.

Island Dental Clinic May Close by June

State Budget Cuts for Dental Care for Low Income Families Threaten to Shut Down Facility in June

West Tisbury Resolves Bus Controversy; Up-Island Cronig's Market Acts as Depot

Just a few weeks ago, Vineyard transit officials decided the North Tisbury business district would be the perfect place to relocate their bus transfer hub and put an end to all those complaints about buses ruining the historic character of West Tisbury village. All they needed was a good-sized patch of blacktop in the business district.

West Tisbury Resolves Bus Controversy; Up-Island Cronig's Market Acts as Depot

Just a few weeks ago, Vineyard transit officials decided the North
Tisbury business district would be the perfect place to relocate their
bus transfer hub and put an end to all those complaints about buses
ruining the historic character of West Tisbury village. All they needed
was a good-sized patch of blacktop in the business district.

West Tisbury Resolves Bus Controversy; Up-Island Cronig's Market Acts as Depot

Just a few weeks ago, Vineyard transit officials decided the North Tisbury business district would be the perfect place to relocate their bus transfer hub and put an end to all those complaints about buses ruining the historic character of West Tisbury village. All they needed was a good-sized patch of blacktop in the business district.
