Hello, Kiandra

Hello, Kiandra

Sandra Paim Borges and Julian F. Borges of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Kiandra Julianne Paim Borges, born March 30 at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces.

Oak Bluffs




Safety alert! We’ve got a situation on our hands, and it’s imperative that we address it right away before the good will of our town residents evaporates.

I know I do a lot of kidding in this column, but I’m perfectly serious today. In fact, I’m feeling like a poor man’s Zola waking up with the first words of “j’accuse!” on his lips.

West Tisbury




Since it is spring, although it has not felt like it, people are beginning the task of cleaning up the yard after the long winter, throwing away the Christmas tree that is beginning to turn rust color out in the back yard, raking the lawn and flower beds. Some folks have already begun planting peas and other hearty vegetables in their gardens. Political campaign signs for selectman candidates Glenn Hearn and Richard Knabel have sprung up in many front yards around town over the weekend.

Food Pantry

Food Pantry

The Island Food Pantry’s last day of distribution for the season will be April 14.

The service will resume in mid October. For emergency needs during that time, or for more information, please call 508-693-4764.





The big sleep is over. Now the race begins . . . can we get all the spring chores done in time? The pressure is on all the caretakers, gardeners, fishermen and farmers . . . all with deadlines to meet. It is our unique New England lifestyle and we seem to meet the challenge every year.





William Kistner and his wife Joan returned to their home in New York on Monday after spending a few days with our grandson Noah James Manning and his parents Paul and Theresa. Saturday evening we all ventured to Offshore Ale for dinner and a celebration. Joan and Bill spent hours with yours truly while working on our family histories together and constantly marveling at our little Noah. We all look forward to their return soon.

Vineyard Haven




She was a mail-order bride. Lady Angelique Beaverbrook of Vermont was sent for to be the wife of Lord Maxwell Beaverbrook of Massachusetts. Four-year-old Max had waited patiently for a companion, a wife, and another Lhasa Apso to be the mother of his children. His qualities of calmness, loyalty, and playfulness were much appreciated by the sprite-like new bride.

Vineyard Women Honored as Unsung Heroines

Vineyard Women Honored

As Unsung Heroines

Six Vineyard women have been named among the 287 Unsung Heroines for 2008 by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women.

They are Camille Rose of Aquinnah, Katherine L. Carroll of Chilmark, Diane Smadbeck of Edgartown, the late Dorothy A. Larkosh Roberts of Oak Bluffs, Dolly Campbell of Vineyard Haven and Cynthia Mitchell of West Tisbury.

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday

More than once it has been called the purest form of democracy. And while some may quibble with the adjective, there is no doubt that annual town meetings — in all their messy, colorful, argumentative and sometimes droning-on-at-length glory — remain at heart one of the finest examples of democracy at work.

Tuesday marks the launch of the full political season on the Vineyard with three annual town meetings set to take place on the same night in Edgartown, West Tisbury and Oak Bluffs.

Mill Pond

Mill Pond

Spring didn’t fool around on Tuesday, April Fool’s Day. Instead, quite properly, the month of golden daffodils and forsythia and of plump, furry pussy willows arrived with a warm rain. The month’s arrival could have been heralded by sun, but that has come since — to show off the greenery and the buds and the first flowers that the rain has nurtured.
