Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
John Morelli was not the only great teacher I had at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, but he was the one who understood me best. I loved him very much.
During my senior year I discovered Jack Kerouac and begged Mr. Morelli to let our class read On the Road. It was new to me and I was excited about it. He ordered a box of copies and when the box arrived he let me open it.
A story in last week’s Gazette about the opening of Tilton’s Market in Vineyard Haven reported incorrectly on the location of the market, which is on Cromwell Lane. The story also missnamed Capt. Owen H. Tilton, who is the great-great-grandfather of the owners, as well as Bob Tilton, who is their father, and Tuesday, who is the village cat. The Gazette regrets the errors.
One of the most hallowed of Halloween traditions — the one that makes mere mortals susceptible to vampires because it involves not fake blood but the real stuff — is the carving of the pumpkin.
When my two daughters were young, I would take my life in my hands by taking my knife in my hands and attempting to carve a pumpkin without either: (a) severing a major artery or (b) doing such a horrible job on the face that the girls would giggle and say, “That pumpkin looks just like Dad!”
Last night’s full moon, the Hunter Moon, was the closest full moons of the year. A close full moon always brings extreme high and low tides. This weekend tides are highest near noon and midnight and low around sunrise and sunset. Boaters should be wary when tides are at extreme low tides, especially in inshore waters.
Temperature: Precip.
Day Max. Min. Inches.
Fº Fº
Oct. 19 72 62 .00
Oct. 20 72 60 .94
Oct. 21 65 51 Trace
Oct. 22 72 56 .00
Oct. 23 72 59 Trace
Oct. 24 72 63 .00
Oct. 25 67 50 .29
Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 61º F.
A fast-growing puppy named Biggie and a cockatiel named Baby Bird from Florida were reunited with their Vineyard family recently after a summer of many tears and the coordinated effort of animal lovers.
“My dad gave me this dog before he died; I think this is my connection to him,” said Tiara Lee, 13, seated next to her eight-year-old brother Elijah Matthews. Their mother, Nicole Matthews, stands by and watches the three on the couch.
Some 61 per cent of residents of Cape Cod and the Islands favor the Cape Wind project, according to a major new scientific survey of 501 residents.
So said the press release put out yesterday by the Civil Society Institute, which describes itself as a nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank in Newton. The release made it look like a decisive verdict in favor of the wind power project, delivered in the court of public opinion.
After a screening committee tasked with reviewing and narrowing applications for the new county manager position told county commissioners they would not proceed with applications received thus far — and asked the commissioners to readvertise the position — the commissioners last week took over the search themselves.
By yesterday, the search had narrowed to three finalists.