In Max Butler's first weeks at school, he will help set up a computer system.
Max, 12, will also join other students of various ages in a writers' workshop. He will take classes called understanding math and algebra, studies in science and problem-solving.
And that's only the first month.
An advisor with the new Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School helped Max design this schedule recently. In coming weeks, they will decide what comes next.
"It's pretty exciting," said Max, of Gay Head. "For the first time ever, I can't really wait to go back to school."
A huge 454-pound blue shark was caught during the tenth annual Oak Bluffs Monster Shark Tournament held over the weekend. The shark could be the largest blue ever caught, a world record.
The shark was caught by Pete Bergin of Shrewsbury in his boat Quality Time. Mr. Bergin's boat was one of 65 participating in the Boston Big Game Fishing Club's annual event. Competing boats filled the Oak Bluffs waterfront for most of the weekend. On Friday and Saturday a large number of fish were caught, and even more were released.
For Meredith Collins, public education was not very interesting.
Growing up in rural Maine, she was bored with school. To amuse herself, she made up lab reports. The only class she enjoyed was Latin, because her teacher was enthusiastic.
Most of the time, she found that education was like a prepackaged product.
"You're handed something, and if it's not what you want or what you need, you're out of luck," Miss Collins said.
David Corbitt of Indianapolis discovered Oak Bluffs this weekend. A second-year law student, Mr. Corbitt traveled here at the urging of a college friend.
Serena Henry came from Atlanta, and Phyllis Buford came from St. Louis, with her family. She joined friends from Kansas City, Mo.
Bobby Hall traveled here from Florida, and he had a great time.
“It doesn’t get much better than this,” said Mr. Hall, who joined about 800 people Friday night for live music, dancing and sunset at Inkwell Beach.
Several hundred people attended special events this weekend in Oak Bluffs, reducing gridlock downtown and adding to the festive atmosphere.
And it all happened because of a chance meeting on Memorial Day at the Dragonfly art gallery in Oak Bluffs.