Tom’s Neck Farm in Memory, an Idyll of Chappaquiddick

The following is a brief history of the farm at Tom’s Neck, Chappaquiddick. It is not an attempt at  literature, just a simple story of places and persons with, here and there, a touch of philosophy. Since this year ownership has changed, the time seems right.

Vineyard Gazette Is Under New Ownership

Transfer of ownership of the Vineyard Gazette to Mr. and Mrs. James Reston—James and Sally Reston, as their names will appear at the masthead of the paper—was completed on Saturday, following the announcement of the change made on March 22. Mr. Reston is associate editor of the New York Times and Mrs. Reston is on the staff of that newspaper.

Sgt. Jon L. Grimmett Is Killed in Vietnam

Sgt. Jon L. Grimmett, the son in law of Mr. and Mrs. Petronio Ortiz of Vineyard Haven, was killed in action in Vietnam on Jan. 24. He was 21 years old and had been in the service two years, the final six months, to the day, having been in Vietnam. No details beyond this fact have been made known to the family.

Sergeant Hagerty Dies in Battle in Vietnam

The people of the Vineyard were bowed in sorrow and sympathy this week for Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hagerty of Vineyard Haven, who have been officially notified that their son, Sgt. William T. Hagerty, a medical corpsman with the 173rd Airborne, was killed in action on Nov. 20 in the assault on Hill 875 in Vietnam.

Tenseness on Main St.

Trouble threatened to flare up last Friday afternoon in front of the former A. & P Store in Edgartown, where Mrs. Robert W. Nevin of Ed­gartown and Woollcott Smith of West Tisbury were collecting signa­tures on a petition to Congressman Hastings Keith urging him to bring their concern over the Vietnam policy to the attention of Congress.

Ad: Negotiation Now!

It’s Time to Stop Bombing North Vietnam and Begin Negotiation Now!

“The present impasse can be broken and a halt put to the increasingly horrible slaughter and destruction of the Vietnam war only if one side or the other shows the wisdom and the courage and the compassion for humanity to take the initiative on a first step.”
“A cessation of the bombing of North Vietnam is an imperative necessity to create conditions for peaceful talks.”

“The Gut Issue”

“Thereupon Mr. Katzenbach said that as interesting as the constitutional issue was, the ‘gut issue here is whether or not the Congress supports the President in what he does...’ “ New York Times, Aug. 22, 1967.
Dear Mr. Katzenbach:

Vietnam Project Is Launched by Group

A Martha’s Vineyard Vietnam summer project officially began on Friday, July 14, when a small group met at the home of Mrs. Philip Rahv in Vineyard Haven to discuss ways and means for making such a project effective on the Island.
Those present were: Mrs. Paul Macy, Dr. Allen M. Butler, Mrs. Robert W. Nevin, Mrs. Roger Fisher, Mrs. Philip Rahv, and Mrs. Stanley Sheldon.

Gay Head School Out for Summer and for Good

High on a windy promontory at the end of the Island stands the Gay Head School. It is a one-room school with all the traditional trimmings, from flag to red paint, that one-room schools are supposed to have. Outside there is a playground and a pond, and inside there are actually two rooms, but one is used as a kitchen-storeroom-catch-all sort of place and the other is a classroom.
For the past eleven years, Mrs. James Manning has been the teacher at the school, teaching kindergarten through the fourth grade to a varying number of children.

Dana Place Sold

The Lester H. Dana place, with its beautiful contemporary house on the summit of Manter’s Hill, off Tea Lane, and fifty-five acres of land, has been sold by Mrs. Dana to Mrs. Julia Green Sturges of New York.
