Women Cast Heavy In Keenly Contested Primaries

The vote of Martha’s Vineyard went for Joseph Walsh for congressman, Walter H. Renear for sheriff, and John W. Churchill for state senator in the three most keenly contested primaries Tuesday night. When the votes were counted, Mr. Renear was re-nominated by a large majority, Mr. Walsh had carried the island towns by 137, and Mr. Churchill was ahead in a close vote. Harold Winslow carried Gay Head and Chilmark in his contest with Mr. Walsh. Channing H. Cox became the Republican nominee with the island’s endorsement.

First Woman to Vote

Mrs. Emma W. Terry, daughter of Ulysses E. Mayhew of West Tisbury, was the first woman to cast a vote at the primaries on Martha’s Vineyard.

Linotype image in July 22, 1920 Vineyard Gazette

First Linotype Machine on the Island

The linotype machine ranks with the invention of the printing press itself in importance to the printer of today. And now the Vineyard Gazette has bridged the gap from the old era to the new.

Edgartown’s Honor Roll Unveiled in Bronze All The Island Celebrates July Fourth

To the martial music of her own brass band, Edgartown staged a parade in celebration of the Fourth and in honor of her veterans of the World war, which must have convinced these forty-five youths and men that they still stand ace-high in the estimation of their fellow townsmen. For Edgartown does not forget and she proved that memorable fact in a memorable fashion.

Vineyard Haven Office for The Gazette

The Gazette announces this week the opening of a Vineyard Haven office.
For a great many years this newspaper has carried under the heading on its front page these words: “Devoted to the interests of the six towns on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.”
In short the Gazette has always been an island newspaper, devoted to the interests of Martha’s Vineyard. Now this purpose may be made more real through active representation in Vineyard Haven.

To The Public

With this issue of the Gazette the undersigned, after over thirty-two years’ occupancy of its editorial chair, vacates the same, having this week sold the paper and its goodwill to Henry Beetle Hough, a gentlemen, who, by reason of education, training and family tradition, will we believe carry the GAZETTE to a yet wider sphere of influence and to a high prosperity.

Oak Bluffs Town Column

An Auction Bridge Club has been formed in Oak Bluffs.
Some of the sportsmen have been fortunate and several geese have been the result.
Miss Mary Hayden, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Hayden, has returned to the mainland for the winter.
The Baptist minister and his wife have moved into the “Baptist Parsonage” and are getting comfortably settled in their new home.

Governor on the Vineyard Next Sunday

The Governor of the Commonwealth, Hon. Calvin Coolidge, will be the guest of the Martha’s Vineyard Camp-meeting Association next Sunday, Aug. 24, and will speak at the Tabernacle service at 10.30 a.m.

To Wreck Port Hunter

The Mercantile Wrecking Co., of New Bedford, of which Barney Zeitz is the proprietor and with whom is associated Jacob Dreyfus & Sons, large wholesale merchants of Boston, and Michael J. Leahey of New Bedford, has been awarded the contract for removing the American cargo in the British steamer Port Hunter, which lies sunk on Hedge Fence shoal in Vineyard Sound.

Port Hunter: Likely Once More to Feel the Grappling Hooks

Washington, D. C. Feb. 3. - Congressman Walsh, who returned this morning from his trip with the special congressional investigating committee, was advised by Genera Goethals’s office that no bids were received for salvaging the cargo steamer Port Hunter.
