Emmalaine and Ian Murdoch Baker of New York city and Chilmark are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Lily Jane Baker, on Sept. 24, at Weill Cornell hospital in Manhattan. Lily is expected to make her first visit to Martha’s Vineyard for Thanksgiving.
The beauty of fall migration is that some migrants unexpectedly persist. Of course daytime temperatures in the low 70s, help.
It’s been downright hot for several days. I overdress in the mornings and by midday, the truck turns into a closet.
Since the end of the Derby has come and gone, it is not the anglers or their escapades that have me pondering poisson.
GE Vernova, the manufacturer of the blades for the wind farm south of the Island, said Wednesday that it intends to remove more turbine blades as a precautionary measure, while taking steps to strengthen others.
This school year, students in Melissa McNickles' second and third grade class have started reading to Molly, a great Pyrenees mix, to practice reading aloud.
Harbor Homes announced the purchase agreement last summer, but its wastewater application was denied by the town, according to the nonprofit.
The town select board appointed deputy chief Stephen Foster to the permanent post Tuesday night. Mr. Foster will take the helm of the department on Dec. 21, when Chief Nelson Wirtz retires.
At the meeting Dec. 17, voters will be asked to approve more than $8 million for library improvements.
Firefighters and police responded to the intersection of State Road and Old County Road around 4:20 p.m. for the collision.