Vineyard Preservation Trust

Preservation Trust to Take Over Edgartown Library Building

Edgartown selectmen Monday voted unanimously to transfer ownership of the town’s historic Carnegie Library building to the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust, which plans to transform the building into a visitor center and repository for historic books, papers and art.

Museum Plans Education Center at Nathan Mayhew Schoolhouse

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will move into the Nathan Mayhew Schoolhouse in Vineyard Haven, the former home of Sail Martha’s Vineyard. The museum plans to use the two-room schoolhouse as a satellite education center.

Preserving the Peabody Gazebo

Sam Thoron provides interesting information on the lovely gazebo on the grounds of the Dr. Daniel Fisher House.

Restored Mural Reveals Form And Function at Whaling Church

When artist Margot Datz begins a new project she finds it hard to stop. “Until someone rips me off the wall I’m there,” she said on Wednesday morning at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown. Although no one is coming to rip Ms. Datz off the wall, her brother Stephen Datz is on hand to “help her out the door,” he said. Good thing, too, as this weekend there will be a wedding held at the church. Scaffolding and bridal gowns do not really mix. But magnificently-restored murals serving as a backdrop for wedded bliss definitely do.

union chapel

Restoration of Union Chapel: Halfway Back to Former Glory

The new pews are still empty, and the fresh pine they are built from won’t begin to creak until parishioners arrive later this month, adding their imprint to the long history of the Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs.


Nearly 1600 Pounds of Pure Ringing Power Back in Action

It took a gentle push and a firm pull of many hands to get the 1,590-pound bronze bell back into position. But last Friday, after months of work and preparation, the Old Whaling Church bell was again in its place high above downtown Edgartown.


Church Bell Gets Hundred Year Tune- Up

On Monday the 1,590-pound church bell that has rung the hour for Edgartonians for five generations was temporarily relieved of duty. The bronze bell, cast in 1843 and installed in the Edgartown Whaling Church in 1889, was gingerly removed from atop the clock tower by crane, for the first time, on the coldest day this winter.


Catboat Donation Adds Sea Presence To Preservation Trust

A historic catboat named Edwina B. is the most recent acquisition of the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust. The 22-foot wooden boat, built by Manuel Swartz Roberts in Edgartown in 1931, is possibly the last of three catboats he built still in the water.

The nearly 80-year-old boat has had a circuitous life with different names and different ports of call. She has been part of the Edgartown waterfront for at least the past 20 years. The former owners see the boat’s journey bringing her to Edgartown to stay.


Preservation Trust Buys Historic Boathouse

The Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust announced this week that it will buy and preserve the Norton property on the Edgartown harbor that includes the Osborn building, the oldest structure on the Edgartown waterfront.

The trust will buy the Dock street property owned by the Norton family which includes two buildings and a dock adjacent to Memorial Wharf. The boathouse was built after the 1944 hurricane. The Osborn building is much older and dates to the 1830s.

De. Daniel Fisher House renovation

First Island House with Bathtub Needs to Keep Out Water Now

The Daniel Fisher House, a highly regarded historic Federal house on Main street in Edgartown, will undergo significant renovations in the coming weeks. 
In addition to the roof being re-shingled with thick red cedar shingles, the chimney tops will be taken down and rebuilt. New ornamental woodwork that hasn’t been seen on the building for years will be installed. The ornamental trim that ran around the eaves of the roof and dates back to the house’s origin already was removed by crane last month. 
