West Tisbury Assessors Lose Tax Challenge

West Tisbury Assessors Lose Tax Challenge


The Massachusetts Court of Appeals this week overturned a decision
by the state Appellate Tax Board and ruled that the Martha's
Vineyard Land Bank is exempt from all taxation, upholding the power
vested in the conservation agency by its enabling legislation.

The case is an appeal of a decision first made by the West Tisbury
board of assessors that ordered the land bank to pay about $700 in taxes
on property bought in fiscal year 2002.

The ruling was issued Wednesday.

Mailbox Full: Service Slows at Post Office in Edgartown

Regina Weichert has come to dread the part of the day that brings
her to the Edgartown post office, and as she emerged from the facility
yesterday afternoon with a pile of mail, she could only sigh.

"Do you want to know how bad the line is?" she asked as
she made her way to her car. "It's terrible. It's
always terrible."

Court Ousts Trash Company in Oak Bluffs Neighborhood

Court Ousts Trash Company in Oak Bluffs Neighborhood


More than three years after a superior court judge ruled on the
issue, the Massachusetts Court of Appeals this week upheld a decision
ordering the trash hauling company Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) to
clear out of its Oak Bluffs depot.

The court of appeals rejected the challenge to the superior court
decision and declared commercial use of the property to be illegal under
Oak Bluffs zoning bylaws.

Vineyarders Rumble Past Carver

The Vineyarders are off and running.

And running. And running some more.

Featuring an unrelenting rushing attack and with several key
defensive plays, including a decisive turnover with less than a minute
to play, the Vineyard football team rumbled past Carver's
Crusaders, 21-14, in their season opener Friday night in Carver.

Shields Nationals Buffet Island Over Weekend of Gusty Winds.

Some of the nation's best sailors gathered for a long weekend
in Edgartown to compete for prizes in the Shields Nationals. The three
days of racing began on Thursday. Twenty-nine boats with plenty of
sailors came from all over the East Coast and from as far away as
Illinois and California.

The boats raced in all kinds of weather, from high winds to light
air. The boats have open cockpits and most of the sailors wore wet
weather gear.

As Political Season Opens, Well-Funded Campaign Targets State Senate Seat

As Political Season Opens, Well-Funded Campaign Targets State Senate


Yard signs are starting to sprout on Island lawns, and fundraisers
are in the offing, but the real proof that a hot race is under way for a
spot on Beacon Hill came last week: Financial disclosures revealed the
war chests and spending of candidates for the state legislature.

The message is clear.

Judge Finds No Pollution Threat to Plant

Judge Finds No Pollution Threat at Plant


Marking one more win for the town of Edgartown in a long running
legal battle, a superior court judge this month ruled that discharge
from the municipal wastewater treatment plant does not threaten the
water quality in the Edgartown Great Pond.

Kudos to Kenny Metell on Derby Day One

Sixty-year-old Kenny Metell of Edgartown has never caught a winning fish in all his years as a participant in the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby, but on Sunday he hit the ground running. Mr. Metell weighed in the first fish of the derby.

Fisherman Is Dead Following Boat Fire Near Quick's Hole

A recreational fisherman died yesterday in the water around Quick's Hole after his power boat caught fire and sank.

The name of the victim had not been released at press time pending notification of next of kin.

Guiding Lights: New Principals Are on the Job at Two Schools

Guiding Lights: New Principals Are on the Job at Two Schools


It's the day before school starts, and these two new
principals - on the job just four days - barely have even a
few minutes to stop and talk.

But in a short amount of time, Michael Halt and Diane Gandy manage
to reveal something about themselves - a worldliness they share
from experiences outside the realm of education and a giddiness about
where they've landed.

Take Mr. Halt, for starters.
