$16 Million Budget on Warrant
At town meeting next week Tisbury voters will consider a host of
articles related to public safety, including requests for an upgrade in
ambulance services, new vehicles for the police and fire departments and
a feasibility study for an emergency services facility.
The annual town meeting begins Wednesday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Tisbury School gymnasium.
Oak Bluffs Forum Promises Heated Selectman's Race
Like the ceremonial first pitch on opening day, the political season
in Oak Bluffs uncoiled last night slowly and politely before candidates
and voters really stepped to the plate and took their first cuts at a
range of issues - from the flagrant violation of zoning bylaws to
the lack of progress on affordable housing in town.
The forum was candidates night, an event sponsored and moderated by
the Martha's Vineyard League of Women Voters.
The Ritz Cafe has been cooking up lunches for the last month.
At The Rare Duck, the focus this summer will be on martinis, comfy
couches and a new brand of music.
West Tisbury Committee Wants Chilmark to Share More Financial Burden
The fight over the cost of education up-Island took a nasty turn
this week as West Tisbury finance leaders traveled to Chilmark and
pitched their hard-line solution: Pay a bigger share of the school costs
or consider leaving the regional school district.
At issue for West Tisbury finance committee members is the price tag
on operating the Chilmark School, a kindergarten to fifth grade facility
with just 45 students and a per-pupil cost of $19,820.
Island Airport Manager Raises Concerns About Massport's Steep
Landing Fee Hikes
Faced with a state plan he says could cripple regional airline
service, the Martha's Vineyard Airport manager is calling on
Massport officials to include Cape and Islands airport operators in
their review of a proposed hike in landing fees at Logan International
Land Bank Bids for a Woodlands Preserve
Deal Would Protect 190 Acres; Developer to Build 26 Houses
Gazette Senior Writer
A long, bruising battle over the fate of the southern woodlands in
Oak Bluffs took a stunning turn this week when the Martha's
Vineyard Land Bank announced that it has signed an agreement to buy 190
acres from developer Corey Kupersmith, including the old Webb's
Camping Area.
The purchase price is $18.6 million.
In the Campground, a Feeling for What Oak Bluffs Will Gain
A splotch of fluorescent orange paint tags the trunk of a pine tree
standing over what was once campsite Number 92 in the old Webb's
Camping Area.
The tree is a survivor, proof that the chainsaws didn't make
it this far and a sign that the southern woodlands in Oak Bluffs are
truly an arrested development.
County Board Presses Its Case
Questions on Steamship Authority Are Explored at a Meeting:
Commissioners Worry on ‘Haphazard' Ways
Citing what they believe are missteps and backtracking by Steamship
Authority management, Dukes County commissioners this week criticized
SSA managers for their imprudence and pointedly questioned the boat
line's priorities.
"There seems to be denial and avoidance, and my gut tells me
that something isn't working right," said commissioner Paul
It's Preseason: What's in Store? Around Island, a
Retailer Shift
You need a scorecard to keep track of the preseason business shuffle
in downtown Vineyard Haven.
On Tisbury Great Pond, a Family Feud
A divided family, hundreds of feet of unlicensed docks and the
future of a cove on Tisbury Great Pond has sparked a drama in West
Complicating the story is that the family member who installed these
unpermitted docks is a town selectman. Jeffrey (Skipper) Manter
reportedly installed four seasonal floating docks on Manter family land
over the last few years. This week his older brother, Whit Manter, said
it's gone too far.