Chief Dominick J. Arena of the Edgartown police yesterday filed application for a complaint against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy for leaving the scene of an accident on Chappaquiddick, in which Miss Mary Jo Kopechne of Washington, D. C., was drowned. Senator Kennedy has admitted that he was the driver of the automobile that ran off the Dike Bridge and sank in Poucha Pond, with Miss Kopechne trapped inside.
The shop and studio of the Mosher Photo Service opened at its new location on Main street in Vineyard Haven on Monday morning. This building, almost across the street from the Vineyard Vendor, is sometimes known as the shoe shop building from having been occupied for years by a shoe repairing business. Now, remodeled throughout to provide a camera shop in the front portion and a studio in the rear, it presents an extremely attractive appearance.
Attractive Interior
On Aug. 26, 1869, the Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company, an energetic corporation which had bought up acres of the lovely woods and meadows and shore front stretches of what is now Oak Bluffs, sold one of those lots, 69 Pequot avenue, to Lydia B. Smith of New Bedford.
The following is a brief history of the farm at Tom’s Neck, Chappaquiddick. It is not an attempt at literature, just a simple story of places and persons with, here and there, a touch of philosophy. Since this year ownership has changed, the time seems right.