By courtesy of the Directors we are permitted to invite the public to sent to the Gazette office their written choice of a suitable name for the new hotel. Let all who are interested and have a name in mind which they thing the correct thing, send it to us. This invitation holds good until Saturday nigh, Dec. 6th. After that date the different names suggested will be published, and the public will then be given an opportunity to decide (by Gazette coupon vote) which of the proposed name shall be accepted. The person who suggest the name receiving the largest number of votes will then be made known to the public.
From the November 28, 1890 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Our invitation last week for our readers to suggest a name for the new hotel met with a hearty response, and already names have been forwarded to us from Boston, Charlestown, Rockland, as well as several from residents in town. The names suggested thus far, and taken in the order of the receipt by us, are:
“Hotel Belvedere” - An Italian word meaning Architecture.
“Hotel Pullman.”
“Cliff House.”
“Hotel Edgartown.”
“Harbor View.”
“The Edgartown.”
“Hotel Nunpaug” - The Indian name of Edgartown.
“Ocean Zephyr Resort.”
“Great Harbor House.”
“The Unexpected.”
“The Swasey” - Original owners of the land.
Let the list be largely increased during the coming week. There are no doubt many good and appropriate names yet to be sent in, and after Dec. 6th, the entire list will be published, and the public will then be given an opportunity to decide (by Gazette coupon vote) which of the proposed names shall be accepted by the Directors.

From the December 5, 1890 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
The following is a list of the names which have been sent to us to date, and printed in the order of their receipt by us:
“Hotel Belvedere” - An Italian word meaning Architecture.
“Hotel Pullman.”
“Cliff House.”
“Hotel Edgartown.” (2)
“Harbor View.” (2)
“The Edgartown.”
“Hotel Nunpaug” - The Indian name of Edgartown.
“Ocean Zephyr Resort.”
“Great Harbor House.”
“The Unexpected.”
“The Swasey” - Original owners of the land.
“Monticello House.”
“Hotel Vacuna” - Meaning the Goddess of rest and ease.
“Hotel Emprise.”
“Hotel Alpine.”
“Hotel Starbuck.”
“Acme Hotel.”
“Hotel Seabright.”
“Hotel Magnolia.”
“Vacation House.”
“Starbuck House.” (2)
“Martha’s Inn.”
“Ocean Spray.”
“Hiacoomes House” - The name of Mayhew’s first Indian convert.
“Hotel New England.”
“Vineyard Inn.” (2)
“Martha’s Vineyard Hotel.”
“Eureka Hotel.”
“Sea Cliff.”
“Atlantic House.”
“The New Era.”
“Starbuck’s Inn.”
“Hotel Alpha.”
“The Orient.”
“Lovely Resort.”
“Buena Ventura.”
“Hotel Enterprise.”
“Hotel Martha.”
“Hotel Quinomica.”
By request, the time for sending in names is extended to noon of Thursday, Dec. 11th, in order to give ample opportunity for everyone to propose the successful name and thereby gain everlasting fame.

From the December 12, 1890 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Below we print the complete list of names which have been sent to this office up to this (Thursday) noon, Dec. 11th. Sixty-seven persons have responded to the Gazette’s invitation, sending in 60 different names, several instances two or more persons proposing the same. The list is now closed, according to notice last week, and in our next issue we shall make an announcement, in regard to the voting, which will be of interest to all our readers. The list follows:
Hotel Belvedere.
Hotel Pullman.
Cliff House.
Hotel Edgartown.
Harbor View.
The Edgartown.
Hotel Nunpaug.
Ocean Zephyr Resort.
Great Harbor House.
The Unexpected.
The Swasey.
Monticello House.
Hotel Vacuna.
Hotel Emprise.
Hotel Alpine.
Hotel Starbuck.
Acme Hotel.
Hotel Seabright.
Hotel Magnolia.
Vacation House.
Starbuck House.
Martha’s Inn.
Ocean Spray.
Hiacoomes House.
Hotel New England.
Vineyard Inn.
Martha’s Vineyard Hotel.
Eureka Hotel.
Sea Cliff.
Atlantic House.
The New Era.
Starbuck’s Inn.
Hotel Alpha.
The Orient.
Lovely Resort.
Buena Ventura.
Hotel Enterprise.
Hotel Martha.
Hotel Quinomica.
The Inn at Edgartown.
Old Colony House.
Beach Hotel.
Sea-Rest Inn.
Starbuck’s Bluff House.
Hotel Mizpah.
Hotel Nashaquitsa.
The Edgartonian.
The Buena Vista.
Walker House.
Oriental Hotel.
Union Hotel.
The Hygeia.
Hotel Edgartown.
Hotel Towns-End.
Hotel Bartholomew.
The Outlook.
Ocean House.
The Montezuma.
Pilgrim Hall.
Martha’s Vineyard Hotel.
Hotel Martha’s Vineyard.
From the December 16, 1890 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
After the counting of the ballots at the end of the contest, the person who first proposed to us the name which will have received the largest number of votes will be presented by the Vineyard Gazette with a copy of Webster’s International Dictionary, just published by G. & C. Merriam & Co., Springfield, Mass., a magnificent volume, bound in sheep, over 1800 pages, which retails for $12. It is by far the most elegant unabridged Dictionary ever published.
The standing of the vote will be published from week to week, and we have no doubt an intelligent public will see to it that the new hotel receives a name that will be fitting, popular, and everyway worthy of the enterprise which calls it into being.