At a special meeting of the Edgartown Yacht Club, held at the Club rooms on Tuesday evening, Aug. 1st, the following named persons having been approved and recommended by the Membership Committee, were elected by a unanimous vote as members of the Club: Edward R. Trowbridge, Providence; Francis M. Rachemann, Readville; Schofield Thayer, Worcester; Gurdon S. Mumford, New York; Warren Weston, Weymouth; Charles L. Hill, Boston; Frederick T. Bontecou, New York.
Lott Norton, Sec’y.

Although heavy clouds obscured the sky on Saturday last they did not dampen the ardor of those interested in carrying out the programme for sailing in the Ladies’ Day fete.
The boats kept together and went around the course under single reef. After the finishing line was reached the guests assembled at the Club house and were refreshed with tea, lemonade and delicate sandwiches furnished and served by the ladies appointed for the occasion. A large punch bowl, after being filled, sprung a leak and parted amidships, but another was brought into requisition and its contents satisfied all present and added merriment to those who failed to gather up the liquid lost.
Four pennants won at the Club race floated from the peaks of the winning boats. Capt. Lott floated bunting from the flag pole, white Kestrel, Mona, Natica, and some smaller boats honored the occasion by imitating his courteous example.
At the next Ladies’ Day sail we hope every boat in the club will get into line and bring their friends and make a gala day in their honor.
It is good to meet together.
Lott Norton, Sec’y.