Last Sunday, at about ten o’clock, with a high wind blowing from the westward, afterwards more southerly, a fire started in Quampacha Bottom, on Dr. Fisher’s Road, so called, and about one mile in from the highway leading to West Tisbury, and soon gathering headway begun a career of galloping destruction through the Bottom lands for some three miles, coming out on the Vineyard Haven road at various points between the Jeremiah Weeks farm, now owned by David S. Beetle, and a point to the north of Wilbur’s corner. The fire crossed the Vineyard Haven road in several places, and at one time the houses of Mr. Beetle and Mr. Amoz Smith were thought to be in danger of burning, a large tract of wood and other land on their side of the road being burned over. The alarm, which was rung in Edgartown at 12:45, called out of seventy-five men who, with others from Cottage City and the country around, fought the flames gallantly until late in the evening. Many back-fires were set, some of which accomplished perfectly the object intended, while others started by irresponsible but well-meaning parties, only resulted in the unnecessary burning of hundreds of acres, and the prolonging of the battle several hours more than would otherwise have been the case. Especially good service was done by gangs headed by Messrs. Amoz Smith, Wm. F. Jernegan, David Fisher, George G. Cleveland and others.
In all, during the day, it is estimated that not far short of 4,000 acres were burned over, covered with oak from scrubs to wood of good growth, the principal losers being William F. Jernegan, David S. Beetle, Amoz Smith, Dr. Benjamin Kidder, Mrs. Parnell C. Pease, - Mr. Jernegan having a tract, we learn, of 600 acres burned.
Several stories are afloat as to the cause of the fire, the general being, we think, that it was accidental from the careless throwing of a match or finished cigar by some one of the many parties who are usually cruising the roads of the Island on a pleasant Sunday. Mr. Samuel Pent, who was driving that way soon after the fire commenced, reports seeing two men in a team on the road in the vicinity about that time, the distance being too great for recognition and he soon after found several exploded cartridges near at hand. It is thought by some that the fire might have caught from the use of firearms. However, it is probable that the affair will be investigated.
Dr. Kidder, U. S. N., had only arrived at his summer home from Beaufort two days before, and was therefore just in time to do valiant service.
The ladies, in considerable numbers, were present at the scene of action, some of whom rendered valuable service.
In annual town meeting the evening before, Mr. Amoz Smith, Forest Fire Ward, made his report regarding the fire last May to the assembled meeting, clearing the docket, and within fifteen hours had another and still larger affair on hand.