The 1960 census of housing of the U.S. Department of Commerce counted 5,340 housing units in Dukes County. Of these:
- 4,019 were in sound condition with all plumbing
- 2,032 were occupied
- 1,579 were occupied by owners
- $10,100 was the median value of owner-occupied places
- 456 were occupied by renters
- $75 was the median gross rent of rented places
- 4,499 had hot and cold running water
- 5,019 had flush toilet, 4,827 bathtub or shower
- 3,966 had basements
- 4 were trailer homes
- 57 households had air conditioning
- 1,592 had TV, 1,898 radio, 1,847 telephone
- 1,355 had washing machine, 114 clothes dryer
- 175 had 1 or more home food freezers
- 474 had 2 automobile
- 40 had 3 or more automobiles.
Note: Detailed information on housing for the state, cities and counties is presented in Series HC(1), No. 23, Massachusetts, published by the Bureau of the Census and sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., and by field offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The price per copy is $1.25.