Seeker, the wooden scow hand-built on Martha’s Vineyard over more than a decade by owner Ted Box and hundreds of volunteers, sank in Lake Tashmoo earlier this month and remains mostly submerged.
Chip Chop, the 20-acre waterfront estate at the entrance to Lake Tashmoo owned for decades by television journalist Diane Sawyer, was sold today. The buyer was not disclosed, but it is believed to be real estate investor David Malm, who is listed as manager of an LLC associated with the sale.
In order to comply with revised state and federal shellfish sanitation rules, the anchorage area along the pond’s boundary with Oak Bluffs has been expanded to about 50 acres. The area will be closed to all shellfishing from April through October.
Chip Chop, the richly storied waterfront estate built by stage actress Katharine Cornell that has graced the entrance to Lake Tashmoo in Vineyard Haven for nearly 80 years, goes up for sale today.
The Tisbury select board voted unanimously Wednesday to impose an immediate moratorium on anchoring in Lake Tashmoo until the town has developed a policy to reduce the number of visiting boats.
The temporary ban was proposed last month by town administrator Jay Grande, who on Wednesday repeated his concerns about the impact of visiting boats on the environmental health of the estuary and the quality of life for lakeside residents.
Vineyard Haven, Dec. 15. - Today has been a red letter day in the history of Vineyard Haven. The water works, the progress of which has awakened so much interest throughout the island, has been formally opened and the consummation of the enterprise celebrated in a manner commensurate with its importance. Vineyard Haven has a right to be proud, not only of its water system, but of the brilliant demonstration which signalized its completion, and of the creditable manner in which her citizens arose to a proper recognition of the occasion.
Tisbury officials have halted construction at a large property overlooking Lake Tashmoo after discovering that work on a revetment did not comply with proper permitting procedure.