Big Herring Catch At Tashmoo Likely
Vineyard Gazette
The approach of spring is heralded on the Vineyard, as well as at many other points on the coast, by the running of fish. Fish are to be had at any month in the year if one knows how and where to get them, but no movement of a school or body takes place during the winter in the waters near the shore or the land-locked lakes and ponds.
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Blockade Runners Once Used This Historic Creek
The work of dredging now going on at Tashmoo Creek focuses attention upon one of the historical landmarks of the Island and one of which very little is remembered or preserved. Indians called this locality Chappaquansett, and old records refer to the creek as Chappaquansett Creek, rather than Tashmoo. It is evident that the Indians frequented this place in the olden days, as sizable middens have been located nearby and others are presumably buried beneath the shifting sands or have been washed out to sea.
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Glimmering Symbol of a Proper Lake
Vineyard Gazette
One of the most alluring names of Martha’s Vineyard is that of Lake Tashmoo. Islanders and visitors alike enjoy the feeling of Tashmoo on their tongues - it has euphony and dignity and is like no other usual word. The lake itself, which might be called a great pond like other bodies of fresh water on the Vineyard but for its beauty and the beauty of its setting, is situated in the township of Tisbury near Vineyard Sound.
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Land Bank Expands Beachfront at Tashmoo

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank bank added 400 feet of white sand beachfront to its holdings in Vineyard Haven Friday with the purchase of a five-acre parcel near the mouth of Lake Tashmoo.

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Art of Dredging: Edgartown Crew Tackles the Job at Tashmoo

Tisbury has hired the Edgartown dredge crew for an emergency job in the Tashmoo channel. Using finely-tuned teamwork, the crew makes the sand flow.

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Selectmen Sign Dredge Agreement

After some discussion, Tisbury selectmen voted to sign a dredging agreement with Edgartown to clear the Tashmoo channel at a meeting Thursday evening.

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Tashmoo Channel Dredging Work Nears Reality

Boosted by the recent announcement of a state grant, a project to dredge the Tashmoo channel this fall appeared to be nearing reality this week.

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Governor Cuts Ribbon on Lake Street Landing

With handshakes and a few selfies, Gov. Charlie Baker joined Tisbury selectmen for the formal opening of the Lake Street landing.

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Tashmoo Channel Dredging Still Possible

Impassable for some boats at low tide, the channel at Lake Tashmoo could be dredged this summer. But first there is red tape to untangle.

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Shoaling Mars Start of Summer at Lake Tashmoo

An accumulation of sand, silt and neglected paperwork have rendered the entrance to Lake Tashmoo impassable at times.

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