Permitting issues and financial constraints have posed obstacles to long-planned improvements at Lake Tashmoo, but work is now set to be completed by spring.
On a quick swing through the Vineyard Saturday, Lieut. Gov. Karyn Polito visited the Tashmoo boat landing where a state-funded overhaul is slated to begin this fall.
The Seaport Economic Council this week awarded $680,000 to the town of Tisbury for a long-planned overhaul of the Lake Tashmoo landing ramp. It was the second largest grant in a $5 million package.
Tisbury selectman have designated Drew’s Cove in Lake Tashmoo a no-anchoring zone for an indefinite period of time to protect fragile eelgrass beds near the head of the saltwater estuary.
Drew’s Cove in Lake Tashmoo could become a no-anchor zone for the next three years to protect fragile eelgrass beds near the head of the saltwater estuary.
A diesel fuel spill from a sunken boat in Lake Tashmoo was contained early this week with what is believed to be minimal environmental damage. Shellfish beds remain closed.