The past week has been an eventful one in the history of Cottage City and in her prospects for the future. The decision in the question of the ownership of the parks in favor of the town will mark a new era in its history. The removal of this cloud, which has so long gung like a pall over its prosperity, will give a new impetus to improving property and the purchase of land and building of new cottages. The people’s rights have been protected by the courts, and it is many years since so healthy a sentiment has prevailed here in business circles.
There have been a number of purchasers of lots and land and of cottages, with extensive alterations and improvements to be made on the same before another year. Mr. E. H. Matthews, one of the most prominent builders here, reports considerable new work to be completed before another year. The improvement of the parks will probably be brought about in time. A music pavilion has been proposed for Ocean park, but such a scheme is impracticable, because it would interfere with the water view of the residents on the park, and be considered an obstruction. And it would be unwise and foolish to propose such a scheme to the public, for it is not necessary.
Convenient seating accommodations are all the public ask, and that can be had around the band-stand in its present location, for now since the court has decided that the parks belong to the public, there is no necessity for the removal of the band-stand from its present location, as one park belongs to the people as well as the others, and unless it is made out to be a nuisance, there is no occasion for its removal across the street. For in the opinion of the majority, the band-stand now occupies the most suitable location, and is the most shady and comfortable spot to be found in the entire park. The people do not ask for its removal across the street, and it is to be hoped that it will remain just where it is, if it is not objectionable to a large number of cottages. To move it out into the open space in the glare of the sun, if unnecessary, would be an injury to everyone who visited Cottage City, who enjoy the open air concerts. The decision, being what it is, will necessarily settle the matter, and it will not be moved.
On Saturday evening last a programme was laid out which had it not been interrupted by the rain, would have made everything lively. Bells wer rung, bon-fires burned, fireworks were sent up, and a parade of citizens and the Cottage City Drum Corps was one of the features. A man’s figure was borne around the park and avenues on the shoulders of a citizen of the town, and afterwards was burned in sight of all by-standers, and when burning was dragged around the park, leaving its trail of fire which was quickly quenched by the drenching rain, which suddenly descended in blinding sheets. A pyramid of tar barrels was set on fire in the centre of the park and burned with a brilliancy that defied the rain, until the staves fell in and the whole mass made a picture long to be remembered. Standing like a solemn warning over the burning mass was an illuminated transparency, upon which were the words, “We are the People.” The cottagers along the avenue burned colored lights, and at one time the red lights burned in front of nearly every one of the cottages, making a scene of beauty never to be forgotten. The cottages were illuminated and the Oak Bluffs Club House was conspicuous for its fine display of Chinese lanterns about the lawns and house.
The Corbin cottage was in for its share of fireworks and for the general celebration, and the rockets and other fireworks sent up were fine, the rain seeming to have no effect on the beautiful colorings.
The rain, however, served to scatter the people, who were obliged to seek shelter in their cottages from its violence, and so ended what would have been one of the most enthusiastic celebrations ever known here, for the people were in a mood to “paint the town red.”