During a recent Little League game at Nunes Field in Edgartown, older siblings stepped up to bat as their younger brothers and sisters scrambled around a brand-new playground next door. The bold red, yellow and blue slides and tunnels are the result of $85,000 from Community Preservation Act funds, requested last year by the Edgartown parks department.


Boston Pop Event in Ocean Park

The Boston Pops concert at Ocean Park in Oak Bluffs was a highlight of summer last year, and with an attendance figure of 5,000 people it ranked among the most attended Island event of the season.

Building on last year’s success, promoters this year want to expand the concert to include food and alcohol sales and also have a longer running time from early afternoon to late evening. They also want to put up high barricades along Seaview avenue to control crowds and to block people from watching the concert for free along the road and town beach.


An esoteric case that has implications for the future of small parks in Oak Bluffs and throughout the commonwealth was argued at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court on Monday.

A decision is expected sometime in the next three months.

On its surface the case is about three small wooded lots behind Crystal Lake on East Chop, and whether the current owners can build there, though the lots have been labeled as parks since they were set out in an original 1872 subdivision.


The past week has been an eventful one in the history of Cottage City and in her prospects for the future. The decision in the question of the ownership of the parks in favor of the town will mark a new era in its history. The removal of this cloud, which has so long gung like a pall over its prosperity, will give a new impetus to improving property and the purchase of land and building of new cottages. The people’s rights have been protected by the courts, and it is many years since so healthy a sentiment has prevailed here in business circles.