Chilmark Serves Up New Pickleball Rules

The plastic popping sound of pickleballs in Chilmark could be tamped down under a new draft bylaw unveiled by the Chilmark planning board this week. 

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Chilmark Eyes Pickleball Court Construction Ban

The planning board voted Tuesday to initiate the public hearing process on the prohibition of court construction. The board was previously considering a moratorium after complaints about the potential proliferation of the sport. 

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Chilmark Looks to Stem the Pickleball Tide

The resounding thwacking of a pickleball against a paddle may be silenced by municipal regulation in Chilmark, at least for now, after the town planning board moved to enact a moratorium on building new pickleball courts at their meeting on Monday.

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YMCA Unveils Expansion Plans

At Monday night’s high school committee meeting, YMCA executive director Jill Robie-Axtell unveiled plans and illustrations for the three-level addition, complete with a new gymnasium, indoor track and exercise studios.

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Airport Fitness Owner Attends Pickleball Conference

Connie McHugh, owner of Airport Fitness, recently attended a pickleball registry certification course on Hilton Head island.

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