From the August 22, 1975 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: Alice D. Methewson doesn't remember when there were horse races on Whiting's field during the Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society's Livestock Show and Fair.
She was the sickly one, a source of anguish in my heart, a fluffy little gray chick that seemed to have trouble supporting her own beak and keeping her eyes open.
Robin Wall Kimmerer and Ursula Goodenough will be in conversation at Featherstone Center of the Arts on August 31 at 4 p.m. for an event called Writing to Heal the Earth.
Beach Road Weekend touched down in Veterans Park on Friday. The festival continues through Sunday.
Please Adopt Us
We have no adoptions to report this week however, our pet of the week is Jasmine, a beautiful, long-haired, gray/dilute calico cat with green eyes. Her age is 13 and she is sweet and affectionate. Jasmine does consider herself to be the Queen so she would be happiest as an only cat.
Also available are brothers Peter and Teddy, 10-month-old, black male rabbits. They have been hand-raised, and are litter box trained. Both are very friendly, and love to be held and cuddled. And they’re happy living indoors or out.
You’ve read here before about the losing-trick count (LTC). Now I’m going to explain in more detail how it works.
The LTC applies to suit contracts. When there’s a suit fit, you want to establish how many losers there are in each hand. Typically, a minimum one-bid to start the auction shows seven losers. If responder has no more than seven, you’re probably in good shape to bid 4H or 4♠️ if a major-suit fit exists.
The Oak Bluffs select board approved filming for the second season of the reality television series, but several residents said it casts the Island in a poor light.
A walk through the woods is much quieter now than it was anytime from April through July.