It shouldn't have been a surprise to find an unanticipated caterpillar last week.
Tiffany Johnson and Derek Nagengast, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a son, Everett Louis Nagengast, born on August 24.
Nathielle Parlote and Edmonlucas Parlote, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Cecilia Dos Santos Parlote, born on August 22.
Throughout the day on Wednesday, public school workers are taking part in campus-specific training sessions on how to respond to critical incidents, such as shootings and chemical spills, at or near their schools.
In an effort to house the town’s year-round workforce, the Edgartown affordable housing committee is looking for homeowners to participate in the Island’s rental assistance program.
When I was seven years old, my parents thought it wise to send their only child to eight weeks of summer camp, to know life in close company with other children.
Continuing our discussion about Losing Trick Count, we’re going to advance into auctions involving LTC.
Losing tricks count only in a suit contract with a trump fit. They’re determined by how many missing honors you have other than ace, king, and queen. You’ll recall that there is also one loser in a suit if you have a singleton other than an ace, two losers in a doubleton other than AX or KX, and three losers in a 3+ suit with no ace, king, or queen. Don’t count more than three losers because someone probably will ruff the fourth round.
The Edgartown select board voted Monday to send a letter to the state arguing against recent shorebird conservation rules.
The Martha's Vineyard Community Foundation has announced changes to its board of directors.