Continuing our discussion about Losing Trick Count, we’re going to advance into auctions involving LTC.
Losing tricks count only in a suit contract with a trump fit. They’re determined by how many missing honors you have other than ace, king, and queen. You’ll recall that there is also one loser in a suit if you have a singleton other than an ace, two losers in a doubleton other than AX or KX, and three losers in a 3+ suit with no ace, king, or queen. Don’t count more than three losers because someone probably will ruff the fourth round.
How many losers are there is this hand?
♠️ 4 3 2
♥️ 5 4 3 2
♦️ 4 3 2
♣️ 4 3 2
The answer: 12 since you can only go three deep of a suit. If partner’s hand is equally bad, you have 12 more for a total of 24. Your total tricks depend on how many losers you can subtract from 24.
Here’s how to determine how you respond to an opening bid in one in a suit. Let’s assume opener has seven losers.
10+ losers: 10+7=17. Subtract that from 24 and you’ve got seven likely tricks: Pass.
Nine: 9+7=16. Subtract 16 from 24 and you’ve got eight tricks. Make a simple raise.
Eight: 8+7=15. Subtract 15 from 24 — nine. Now you’re close to game. Raise to three or make a forcing bid, then go to three.
Seven: 7+7=14, and 24-14=10. That’s game in a major suit. Make sure you get there.
Six: 6+7=13, and 24-13=11. Time for a mild slam inquiry.
Five: 5+7=12, and 24-12=12. Slam is a definite possibility. It might be time to bid Blackwood or show a first-round control.
Four or fewer: 4+7=11, and 24-11+13. Think grand slam.
O.K. let’s see LTC in action. I was sitting East, with West dealing and both sides vulnerable at Edgartown Bridge Club.
♠️ J 10 8
♥️ 9 5
♦️ A Q 2
♣️ Q 7 6 5 3
♠️ A Q 9 2 ♠️ K 5 4
♥️ K Q 6 4 ♥️ J 8 7 2
♦️ J 9 7 ♦️ 10 6 5 4
♣️ J 10 ♣️ A K
♠️ 7 6 3
♥️ A 10 3
♦️ K 8 3
♣️ 9 8 4 2
The bidding proceeded as follows:
West North East South
1♦️ Pass 1♥️ Pass
2♥️ Pass 4♥️ All Pass
Opening lead: ♣️8
Why did I bid game with eight losing tricks? Well, I figured we had a two-suited fit in hearts and diamonds.
Big mistake! 3♥️ — the best contract — can make on this board. Stretching to 4♥️, I compounded the felony by trying to finesse the ♠️9 and went down two for a bottom board.
Mess with LTC and you too may bottom out.
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